Contest - fineguywhosnice (由 fineguywhosnice)
收益: | +132.41% |
縮減 | 76.03% |
點: | 125.9 |
交易 | 62 |
贏得: |
損失:。 |
類型: | 演示 |
杠杆率: | 1:500 |
交易: | 未知 |
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Contest - fineguywhosnice討論
會員從Jan 15, 2011開始
會員從Jun 14, 2010開始
會員從Jan 15, 2011開始
Mar 17, 2011 at 22:35
會員從Jan 15, 2011開始
Wow you are still in...congratulations...if the European stoxx show's strength then buy euro hard....if it retraces down then find a spot to sell and scalp it. Good luck!
Remember Friday's normally drop to go up but if it does the reverse be cautious.
Remember Friday's normally drop to go up but if it does the reverse be cautious.
The Turtle always wins the race!
會員從Jan 15, 2011開始
Mar 18, 2011 at 04:58
會員從May 08, 2010開始
Is it my imagination or are the top three positions account balanced get progressively worst with each passing day??
Hmmmmm...just an idea...should have hit it BIG, stopped trading altogether, and sit tight until the end of the competition.
Piece of cake to be one of the top 3 winners.
All the best!
P/S: Nathan, now I ONLY need 857 competitors to screwed up bad.... Well, still 14 days and 7 hours and 1 odd minute before end of competition....maybe there is still HOPE for me; yah?? : )
Hmmmmm...just an idea...should have hit it BIG, stopped trading altogether, and sit tight until the end of the competition.
Piece of cake to be one of the top 3 winners.
All the best!
P/S: Nathan, now I ONLY need 857 competitors to screwed up bad.... Well, still 14 days and 7 hours and 1 odd minute before end of competition....maybe there is still HOPE for me; yah?? : )
會員從Jan 15, 2011開始
會員從Jan 15, 2011開始
會員從Jun 14, 2010開始