Contest - slmfx (由 slmfx)
收益: | +47.02% |
縮減 | 35.00% |
點: | -8281.0 |
交易 | 4904 |
贏得: |
損失:。 |
類型: | 演示 |
杠杆率: | 1:200 |
交易: | 未知 |
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Contest - slmfx討論
Jun 17, 2013 at 11:59
會員從Dec 29, 2009開始
Once the platform is installed, please connect the account using the EA publisher to see your live ranking:
what can't be seen cannot be defeated.
Jun 17, 2013 at 13:22
會員從Dec 29, 2009開始
k4tie posted:
Yes I understand I need to add the EA to the account, how do I run the EA?
I have downloaded the application and when I click right mouse and run as administrator I get an error entitled .NET Framework Initialization Error
perhaps you can check your windows, is it already framework instaleed?
if the problem insist, download the ea manually, its contain two file, ex4 and the dll files.
and this mt4 problem actually would lasting for more, since the metaquates already announce any third party 'bridge' provider are illegal.
what can't be seen cannot be defeated.
Jun 17, 2013 at 13:28
會員從Dec 29, 2009開始
k4tie posted:
Where can I download the two files, ex4 and the dll files from please?
follow the link, and scrool down to the bottom of the page. you'll find the file there.
happy green
what can't be seen cannot be defeated.
Jun 17, 2013 at 13:34
會員從Jun 09, 2011開始
Alicefx posted:
follow the link, and scrool down to the bottom of the page. you'll find the file there.
happy green
Thank you for your help, it is working now
Jun 17, 2013 at 13:59
會員從Mar 07, 2012開始
hi i have same problem 9006133 / 600641
You've connected your account successfully, but some trading history is missing.
Please follow the instructions here to resolve it:
password reminder also not work ?
You've connected your account successfully, but some trading history is missing.
Please follow the instructions here to resolve it:
password reminder also not work ?
會員從May 20, 2013開始
會員從Aug 18, 2011開始
Jun 17, 2013 at 14:00
會員從Aug 18, 2011開始
Manual Installation
If you are unable to use the installer, you can download the needed files here: MyfxbookEA.dll and Myfxbook.ex4:
1. Place the MyfxbookEA.dll file in libraries folder of your MT4 installation.
2. Place the Myfxbook.ex4 file in the experts folder of your MT4 installation.
3. Restart MT4.
you will find it at :
Manual Installation
If you are unable to use the installer, you can download the needed files here: MyfxbookEA.dll and Myfxbook.ex4:
1. Place the MyfxbookEA.dll file in libraries folder of your MT4 installation.
2. Place the Myfxbook.ex4 file in the experts folder of your MT4 installation.
3. Restart MT4.
you will find it at :
會員從Mar 16, 2013開始
Jun 17, 2013 at 14:01
會員從Mar 16, 2013開始
I followed
Firstly, I tried to run EaInstaller.exe directly but didnt work because I am an Windows 7 user
As a Windows 7 user I had to run the file as a administrator:
Firstly, I tried to run EaInstaller.exe directly but didnt work because I am an Windows 7 user
As a Windows 7 user I had to run the file as a administrator: