EAR16 (由 ear16)



Apr 29, 2014 at 12:06
55 Replies
會員從Feb 14, 2011開始   20帖子
May 01, 2014 at 20:52

You have everything in PRIVATE status, so what are you hiding?

會員從May 24, 2010開始   354帖子
May 02, 2014 at 09:51
It is martingale! No backtest! Only start deposit is 15€. Price EA is 299,- USD. Crazy price. Be carefull!


會員從Apr 20, 2013開始   160帖子
May 06, 2014 at 07:42
When you go to buy the EA, it takes you to https://www.mycommerce.cc/
Is that a valid site? Sounds like a scam doesn't it?
會員從Feb 11, 2011開始   1768帖子
May 06, 2014 at 18:41 (已編輯May 06, 2014 at 18:43)
another scam ..like spantom,per,ect....sammers are very active these days ,this is because a lot fishes are pouring the market .. lot of newbies are around the forex business..right now,
會員從Apr 29, 2014開始   28帖子
May 06, 2014 at 20:51
Why scamm?
of course system take risk
because make more profits, too
this is normal

If you want system make 500% month, 2% risk
then, yes this is not system

but remmenber, if you find send for community
會員從Apr 29, 2014開始   28帖子
May 06, 2014 at 20:52
in my opinion the scamm is OFFERING ASSET MANGEMENT, copy the traders to others
會員從Aug 22, 2009開始   382帖子
May 07, 2014 at 00:45

Why are you hiding most of the statements??? are you shame of your EA?? or what?

If you are not scammer, Please open all
會員從Apr 29, 2014開始   28帖子
May 07, 2014 at 07:25
other time, if post cost money, people read little more first to write
problem is free

statements is open and verifieds in forexpeacearmy
會員從Dec 15, 2010開始   784帖子
May 10, 2014 at 19:05
NOt bad with a $15 start balance. We will keep watcihing. ANy planns for selling this EA?
Click on my Name to see My Live Charts and Bio.
會員從Dec 15, 2010開始   784帖子
May 10, 2014 at 19:06
ear16 posted:
other time, if post cost money, people read little more first to write
problem is free

statements is open and verifieds in forexpeacearmy
you need to post the link on forexpeacearmy
Click on my Name to see My Live Charts and Bio.
會員從Aug 20, 2011開始   587帖子
May 11, 2014 at 23:29
wow... 300$ of monthly fees !!! incredible... 3 600$ per year...
we know from where the profit come from ;)

classic sentence:
if the EA is profitable why did you sell it at this huge monthly price? :)
會員從Apr 29, 2014開始   28帖子
May 12, 2014 at 06:44
If you can make more than 50% monthly
is the most economic systems you can buy
use mathematics
會員從Mar 02, 2013開始   229帖子
May 14, 2014 at 20:06
Hi ear16,
on your homepage there are 2 possibilities:
- subscribe paying
- subscribe free
the option "subscribe free" leads me to the broker tier1fx.
Does it mean if i open an account with this broker, can i use your EA without paying the $300 every month?
The differenece between who your are and who you would like to be be is what you do
會員從Apr 29, 2014開始   28帖子
May 16, 2014 at 07:27
open account in recommended broker then
會員從Sep 03, 2011開始   24帖子
May 17, 2014 at 07:24
Hi Ear16,

I do not understand your answer on the question of ricki72.

Is it free, when you open an account with Tierf1fx ?

And what is the minimum amount of money for funding an account with this broker ??

Another question : is your EA suscpetible to spreads ? And which brokers do you recommend ?

Is Alpari.uk also o.k. for your EA ?
會員從May 01, 2014開始   1帖子
May 17, 2014 at 07:28
are you saying if i open account with this broker tier1fx.com with 10000$ deposit i will get the ea free ?
but wait a second
this broker or domain name alexa rank is 2,402,491 and there no records of this domain in internet
only in your website
also the total visitors for tier1fx.com is 10 visitors a day or less .
so is tier1fx.com a IB website ? or are you a scammer ?

會員從Apr 29, 2014開始   28帖子
May 17, 2014 at 14:23
mourik posted:
Hi Ear16,

I do not understand your answer on the question of ricki72.

Is it free, when you open an account with Tierf1fx ?

And what is the minimum amount of money for funding an account with this broker ??

Another question : is your EA suscpetible to spreads ? And which brokers do you recommend ?

Is Alpari.uk also o.k. for your EA ?

Alpari.uk simple is GARBAGE, market maker, big spreads etc, only ECN accounts is little better

We recommended www.tier1fx.cc for 3 reasons

1º Is institucional broker with best "top of book", execution is most imoportant aspect in scalpers

2º Evidently we IB to www.tier1fx.cc and win little commision, but we have deal with theys, and go go to have best spreads too
direct to level 7, same if you have 250k or more

3º Is regulated in MFSA and Mifid (europoe)
會員從Apr 29, 2014開始   28帖子
May 17, 2014 at 14:23
FREE need open account in TIER1FX broker
wirh this link www.tier1fx.cc

for FREE lisence, need funded account with 10k or more

is cleaver in section to recommended broker in website
if you ask is because no read
會員從Apr 29, 2014開始   28帖子
May 17, 2014 at 14:24
ExnessTrader posted:
are you saying if i open account with this broker tier1fx.com with 10000$ deposit i will get the ea free ?

ear16: correct

but wait a second
this broker or domain name alexa rank is 2,402,491 and there no records of this domain in internet
only in your website
also the total visitors for tier1fx.com is 10 visitors a day or less .
so is tier1fx.com a IB website ?
Tier1fx is one broker big and more regualted MFSA nad MIFID
or are you a scammer ?
We only IB of this broker, not be confused

you can work with broker you want, recomended ECN raw spreads, with good "top of book"
only need buy lisence,
Here is not RED CROSS, sorry, we pay VPS , Intalation, Control, ETC
or win with lisence payment, or win witn little little comision broker pay
in last case, we make dela for all clients go direct to LEVEL 7, and have trading conditions, same to
investors deposit 250k, we win, client win

會員從Mar 02, 2013開始   229帖子
May 18, 2014 at 09:00
I cannot deposit 10k on tier1fx.com, maybe 1k.
And i cannot pay $300 every month.

So can we find a compromise?
If the EA makes over 300% per month (it sounds dangerous), then with 1k i will reach the 10k very soon (2 months).
We could make the deal, that i will withdraw some money only when it´s over 10k, so that you have a nice comission.
Or do you have another idea?
The differenece between who your are and who you would like to be be is what you do
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