EuroBlaster 7.3 (由 Succe55)
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EuroBlaster 7.3討論
Dec 15, 2010 at 22:42
(已編輯Dec 15, 2010 at 23:13)
會員從Sep 29, 2010開始
This has been my test account for various strategies and EA's that I have decided to risk some of my hard earned money on!!
Currrently I am tesing the EuroBlaster 7.3 EA designed by long term trader Patrick Doucette. For your own copy please click here:
There is no Hype with this EA just good honest forward test results. The support from Patrick is amazing. I have emailed him on 4 occasions and had reply back within the HOUR!! and on the 1st occasion he even recorded a short video tutorial for me and posted it on youtube.
If you are looking for an EA to add to your portfolio then I think this would be a great addition. Patrick promises at least 12 months worth of udates as he tweaks and improves it, to match the ever changing markets.
If you decide to try it out please post a link to your test results here, either live or demo
Happy trading 😄
This has been my test account for various strategies and EA's that I have decided to risk some of my hard earned money on!!
Currrently I am tesing the EuroBlaster 7.3 EA designed by long term trader Patrick Doucette. For your own copy please click here:
There is no Hype with this EA just good honest forward test results. The support from Patrick is amazing. I have emailed him on 4 occasions and had reply back within the HOUR!! and on the 1st occasion he even recorded a short video tutorial for me and posted it on youtube.
If you are looking for an EA to add to your portfolio then I think this would be a great addition. Patrick promises at least 12 months worth of udates as he tweaks and improves it, to match the ever changing markets.
If you decide to try it out please post a link to your test results here, either live or demo
Happy trading 😄
Jan 10, 2011 at 21:44
會員從Sep 29, 2010開始
Just a quick update regarding the loss trade on my account. When I set EA up again in January I started it with the wrong risk setting. Previously I had it set to 5% on the EUR/USD pair and when I set off again I mistakenly set it to 10%. This meant that the loss was twice what it should have been.
Because of that I have decided to leave the risk setting at 10% for EUR/USD pair to give a chance to make up the loss. The other pairs are set ay 5%
Happy Trading 😄
Because of that I have decided to leave the risk setting at 10% for EUR/USD pair to give a chance to make up the loss. The other pairs are set ay 5%
Happy Trading 😄
