FibonacciEA ( 100 to heaven) (由 forex_trader_732673)


FibonacciEA ( 100 to heaven)討論

Jul 09, 2019 at 15:48
8 Replies
會員從Jun 04, 2019開始   6帖子
Jul 09, 2019 at 16:05 (已編輯Jul 09, 2019 at 16:29)
Hi all. Here I bring my system to show that it is possible to make money with little deposit. It is a completely automatic system. Manufactured for more than 3 years. It is a system based on fibonacci, price action and scalping. It is not sensitive for any broker since it has an average of 15 hours in each trade.

Use SL hidden to avoid the possible manipulation of the broker.

f someone wants these results do not hesitate to ask in a private message or in my Skype address.

PD: A memory to avoid confusion. In this broker 100USD is 0.10 lot, in other 100USD is 0.01, that is when you see in the story 5 lot. It's the same as 0.50 in another broker. Very easy calculation.

Skype ID :

Best regards.
會員從Jan 24, 2017開始   104帖子
Jul 10, 2019 at 00:27
Awesome results. Watching closely and very interested. Is your EA for sell, or just to copy trades..?...
會員從Jun 04, 2019開始   6帖子
Jul 10, 2019 at 07:50
fxtarpan posted:
Awesome results. Watching closely and very interested. Is your EA for sell, or just to copy trades..?...

I sent you a private message with the information.

Thank you
會員從Sep 16, 2016開始   28帖子
Jul 12, 2019 at 12:13
There are 2 systems with the same account. Here is the other system:

More often than not all systems with shady brokers are anyways scam.

Take care
會員從Oct 01, 2009開始   224帖子
Jul 12, 2019 at 20:41
Just public the account here, let it be updated every 1 hour then you can clear all the doubt. No need to post pictures that you called "proofs" which can be fabricated by anyone.

Moreover, a system that great can not be simply cost $500.

If you can prove that you can make money grows, tons of money will flow to you.
會員從Oct 01, 2009開始   224帖子
Jul 13, 2019 at 16:35
Now you have it public again. That is good.

To keep the faith of others in your system, just keep it public and be updated regularly, set it every 1-2 hour is good.

Money will flow to you if you continue to keep it that way. Good luck.
If you can prove that you can make money grows, tons of money will flow to you.
會員從Jan 24, 2017開始   104帖子
Jul 18, 2019 at 12:52
,,, Track record NOT veryfied..?.. Why you change your privileges..?.. That is a very important one to seriosly consider your account as genuine....
會員從Oct 01, 2009開始   224帖子
Jul 18, 2019 at 18:33
I have hired him to manage my account and can only let him do it one day because of too high risk trading. In less than one day, loss 30% of the account.

The performance show in here is totally different to the way he trade for me.

A very bad experience.
If you can prove that you can make money grows, tons of money will flow to you.
會員從Mar 06, 2018開始   52帖子
Jul 19, 2019 at 14:54
its very easy for people to edit their trading history in myfxbook so dont be fooled. alot of scammers here, if its to good to be true dont believe it
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