FXSecret Immortal (由 forexstore)

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FXSecret Immortal討論

Jun 07, 2013 at 19:39
41 Replies
會員從Jan 15, 2013開始   224帖子
Jul 24, 2013 at 12:35
Of course a good job you have done. Your EA has aggressive and non-aggressive setting. So it can be implemented on any pairs.
The martingale trades, is not a problem as long it open on the right price gap and balanced take profit. 😄
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會員從May 03, 2012開始   57帖子
Jul 24, 2013 at 12:36
DollarAlay posted:
Hi, you have a very nice system. Good job.

Hi. Thank you 😄
會員從May 03, 2012開始   57帖子
Jul 24, 2013 at 12:36
willgart posted:
DollarAlay posted:
Hi, you have a very nice system. Good job.

on which criteria did you base this sentence ? :)
When I filter for trade starting after june 13 there is 1% per month in growth and 19% of DD!
the risk of ruin is high, 50% of chance of loosing 50% of the account...
so in fact this EA has flat results.

and when I check the trade history I can see some martingale action... there is trades with doubled size (0.8 lots while there is an open one with 0.4lots)
this martingale action cause the big losses, not good!!!

we have to wait few months to get a better picture.

Hello. It is not a martingale, just one of the Logic open double order, because have a low drawdown and more reliable signal. You can see this double lot at our backtest that has test period since 1999 year. https://forex-spectre.com/backtest_forex_spectre_p1.html
會員從Jan 25, 2010開始   1288帖子
Jul 24, 2013 at 23:57
This system has gone NOWHERE for the last two months. What good is 1200% gain in one month, when you can't maintain this performance (or worse, lose it all the next month)?

Why has performance dropped so much?
會員從Aug 20, 2011開始   587帖子
Jul 26, 2013 at 00:52
new version started mid july...

published by this site: https://www.bestforexrobots.net/forex-spectre.html
會員從May 03, 2012開始   57帖子
Jul 27, 2013 at 10:54
BluePanther posted:
This system has gone NOWHERE for the last two months. What good is 1200% gain in one month, when you can't maintain this performance (or worse, lose it all the next month)?

Why has performance dropped so much?

Hi, BluePanther. For the first trades we used very aggressive parameters to show potential of Forex Spectre. We had set the EA on normal risk, and decreased the lot size. That is why profitability dropped so much.
會員從May 03, 2012開始   57帖子
Jul 27, 2013 at 10:54
Also it is not the easiest period for Spectre. I think you understand that system with fixed lot can't make profit every day or every week all the time? It has a drawdown in some periods.

Best regards, Alex.
會員從May 03, 2012開始   57帖子
Jul 27, 2013 at 10:54
willgart posted:
new version started mid july...

published by this site: https://www.bestforexrobots.net/forex-spectre.html

It is not the easiest period for Forex Spectre. I think you understand that system with fixed lot can't make profit every day or every week all the time? It has a drawdown in some periods.

Regards, Alex.
會員從May 29, 2010開始   9帖子
Jul 31, 2013 at 17:40
There really is no one who understands your system, buy, sell without fixed address, no sense since the same operations are hedge, gains an operation or two but then tiena open two or three to the contrary, is very beautiful their backtest, plus is the first version, I have seen others and are not as nice, but unfortunately for me your system is a little crazy and so is very difficult to win, was lucky at first but now .......... .........
會員從Aug 20, 2011開始   587帖子
Aug 02, 2013 at 16:23
I check the trades from this account here:
the 6 first big trades which make the big move are associated to the magic number 7217363, no comment in the trade.
after this, there is no more 7217363 magic number in any trades!

we can also see a large number of different comments and magic numbers.
so this mean there is a lot of strategies in the EA. and not all are profitables.

but why the 7217363 strategy didn't trade anymore?
if this is the best strategy, we expect to see huge trades again... but no more trades.

can you describe what are the other strategies?
and can you give us access to the magic number in myfxbook?
it will be good to track each strategy alone because at least 1 appear to be interesting while the others kill the profits of the winning one...
會員從May 29, 2010開始   9帖子
Aug 02, 2013 at 20:53
Quiet does not respond, I would like to know also the logic, why not see it,
會員從May 03, 2012開始   57帖子
Aug 10, 2013 at 19:56
Hi, guys! Sorry for a long delay with reply, we had too much work. At first it was beta version, EA was not ready for the clients. That it is why it used only one magic number. Then we change logic for determination of each order and divide it on different magic numbers. So that magic number was the embodiment of all logics (magics).
The Logic_1 used only mathematical calculation for finding signals. It can open trades only when trend already started. Logic_2 and Logic_3 use combination of indicators to find the best signal for opening, it can open orders before trend, just trying to get all trend before it started. Logic_2 combines orders with trailing stop and non trailing stop orders. Logic_3 uses trailing stop all the time and has more than in twice bigger TP than SL.
That's all I can tell you, more detailed information is confidential (commercial secret).

Best regards, Alex.
會員從Mar 20, 2010開始   52帖子
Aug 14, 2013 at 18:58
2200% gain on only 350 pips shows that the system relies mostly on huge leverage. In fact, most of the gains were made when at the beginning, when the account was at $500, and the leverage was 5 standard lots. 5 standard (100,000) lots on a $500 account represents 1000:1 leverage per trade. After the the big gains were luckily made with high leverage, the system scaled back the leverage considerably.

Take away the leverage and you only have a system that made only 350 pips since June 2013. Let's see how many pips the system can produce by years end? That's the true test.
“Ah, but a man's reach should exceed his grasp, or what's a heaven for?” Robert Browning
會員從Aug 20, 2011開始   587帖子
Aug 14, 2013 at 19:05
remember to check this account:
based on the v 1.04 (15 july release)
and we can see a different story here...
會員從Mar 20, 2010開始   52帖子
Aug 14, 2013 at 19:32
Thanks for showing the true story. -500 pips since July 15.
“Ah, but a man's reach should exceed his grasp, or what's a heaven for?” Robert Browning
會員從Jan 25, 2010開始   1288帖子
Aug 14, 2013 at 21:22
falcon333 posted:
2200% gain on only 350 pips shows that the system relies mostly on huge leverage. In fact, most of the gains were made when at the beginning, when the account was at $500, and the leverage was 5 standard lots. 5 standard (100,000) lots on a $500 account represents 1000:1 leverage per trade. After the the big gains were luckily made with high leverage, the system scaled back the leverage considerably.

Take away the leverage and you only have a system that made only 350 pips since June 2013. Let's see how many pips the system can produce by years end? That's the true test.

Nice one! Glad to see someone who knows what their talking about keeping the truth known. Not everyone is smart enough to work that stuff out (including me 😳). 😎
會員從May 03, 2012開始   57帖子
Aug 24, 2013 at 11:05
falcon333 posted:
2200% gain on only 350 pips shows that the system relies mostly on huge leverage. In fact, most of the gains were made when at the beginning, when the account was at $500, and the leverage was 5 standard lots. 5 standard (100,000) lots on a $500 account represents 1000:1 leverage per trade. After the the big gains were luckily made with high leverage, the system scaled back the leverage considerably.

Take away the leverage and you only have a system that made only 350 pips since June 2013. Let's see how many pips the system can produce by years end? That's the true test.

Hi there. As I said previously, first week was with very big risk, risk consisted in big lot - you did not disclosed the secret.
Our system has made already 1046 pips! 😄
會員從May 03, 2012開始   57帖子
Aug 24, 2013 at 11:11
willgart posted:
remember to check this account:
based on the v 1.04 (15 july release)
and we can see a different story here...

Thank you for your deep attention for our product. As you can see, it was old version, that had some bug and we solved this problem in 1.0.5 version. Here is results of Forex Verified based on today's day: https://forexverified.com/reports/fxbuilder/forexspectre002.html
會員從May 03, 2012開始   57帖子
Aug 24, 2013 at 11:19
BluePanther posted:
Nice one! Glad to see someone who knows what their talking about keeping the truth known. Not everyone is smart enough to work that stuff out (including me 😳). 😎

As I already says, just another interpretation of my words about big risks at first week. Nothing special, just big lot
會員從Sep 21, 2013開始   81帖子
Oct 25, 2013 at 09:12
What version is this EA?
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