fxwinners ftt (由 fxwinners)

收益: +430.19%
縮減 22.40%
點: 6754.5
交易 468
類型: 真實
杠杆率: 1:100
交易: 自動的

fxwinners ftt討論

Nov 24, 2011 at 14:11
7 Replies
會員從May 23, 2011開始   18帖子
Nov 25, 2011 at 08:35
So what strategy is this account on matts?
200% in 10 days is amazing. I'd love to see if this survives & keeps the same consistent flow.
Good luck.
會員從May 23, 2011開始   18帖子
Nov 26, 2011 at 03:21
Good going. pls pm me your strategy pls. thanks.
會員從Aug 09, 2011開始   37帖子
Nov 26, 2011 at 13:23
Tnx. Its just a trend following ea finetuned with grid strategy. All strategies are good provided it has proper money management principles. Evenif its trend following, its set to follow proper SL limits not to expose account to unwanted risk. As of now its trading fine. Lets see how this warrior fights.
會員從May 23, 2011開始   18帖子
Nov 27, 2011 at 19:20
is it 5000+pips??? in 10 days means 500pips a day??? i'm struggling for 50 pips a day lolz..will keep watching 2 see if it takes -1000pips any day..lolz.
會員從May 23, 2011開始   18帖子
Nov 28, 2011 at 05:27
wasn't your account some 200% plus until yesterday with 5000 pips right? I can see it 428% today with 6664 pips..can i try your ea pls. looks gr8. i was checking other ea's here like mdp with 3,459 pips to give 6739% another one called scalp with 971 pips to give 2911%. so y dun u increase leverage. yours is 6664pips so it can be so high % if you increase leverage matts. check it out. jus a suggestion.
會員從Sep 12, 2009開始   312帖子
Nov 28, 2011 at 10:50
boom and bust starategy doesnt last long my personal opinion
會員從Aug 09, 2011開始   37帖子
Nov 29, 2011 at 09:09
exactly. always good to follow strick money management principles. i'm pretty happy with this leverage and dont want to over expose more to unwanted risks fxcrazy. its trading better than expectations at this risk levels.. so let it trade as it is now. thanks.
會員從Aug 09, 2011開始   37帖子
Nov 30, 2011 at 06:12
Pls note that the DD wat we see here is not the negative movements (floating loss) rather closed losses. This EA is tweaked to close all positions if losses hits $3000. So floating losses are kept minimum which is very important.
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