HFSmaster14 (由 honestforex)



Sep 27, 2011 at 18:56
11 Replies
會員從Mar 28, 2011開始   942帖子
Jan 17, 2012 at 02:41
Can you explain why your trades are identical to another Signal service by the name of vavatrade.com ?
會員從Sep 26, 2011開始   3帖子
Jan 17, 2012 at 08:31
Because VaVa was an indicator designed by Robbie our trader and is ONE (the GBPUSD) system that he uses on HFS, however with manual intervention. Feel free to email or contact us if you have any other questions. Thanks!

[email protected]
會員從Mar 28, 2011開始   942帖子
Jan 24, 2012 at 11:00
If this is an indicator, ( use with discretion and done manually ) there would be a difference in performance. Your trades are identical to Vavatrade.com statement. - http://www.myfxbook.com/members/vavatrade2/mytradingpros-mini-lots/159797

If vava was designed by Robbie ( your Trader) , why are there Two companies with the same Signals?

會員從Sep 26, 2011開始   3帖子
Jan 24, 2012 at 22:03
Because HFS is a signal provider with a few proprietary trading systems being manually overseen by Robbie and Vava is the sale of indicators he designed over several years. Nothing illegal, unethical, only highly profitable Forex trading tools......

Is that a problem Mr. Forex Police?
Gosh, even when you run a legiitimate Forex business people like yourself still feel the tremendous necessity to rudely scrutinize people?

Anyone may call or email us 7 days a week if they have questions.

[email protected]
會員從Mar 28, 2011開始   942帖子
Jan 25, 2012 at 18:28 (已編輯Jan 25, 2012 at 18:29)
Vavatrade.com provides
Automated Forex Systems copied to your MT4 account

We trade a few Forex systems and you can choose which one to be copied directly to your Metatrader 4 trading account.""

This is Not an indicator that you claim someone over sees.

You are providing identical signals and service as vavatrade.com. Are you not?

I'm not being rude here. I've asked a few simple questions as your responses don't answer my questions.

ForexScam posted:
why are there Two companies with the same Signals?

會員從Jan 30, 2012開始   2帖子
Jan 31, 2012 at 07:38
This should clear up the mystery, just follow read this thread:


Honest Forex Signals just repackages signals from Vavatrade.com, it isn't exactly "Honest" but its not a crime either.

Actually Honest Forex Signals sells the same signals for cheaper than what Vavatrade asks, so really its kind of a bargain. Honestly, the signals are not that bad and Tony and "Robbie" if he really does exist are providing a pretty good service. Still not my cup of tea, the Expectancy is only 5.7 pips per trade-its a lot of work clearing that 40 pip hump again and again only to get knocked back with an occasional 80 pip stop loss-kind of like taking one step forward and then two steps back.

HFSMaster14 provides a good service I think and the system does make money, I do wish Tony and "Robbie" were a bit more transparent though about there service. Its not our right to know, but they may create more business for themselves if they just came out and admitted they were repackaged signals. All the best, and no malicious intent in this post. I still think its a pretty good service they offer.

會員從Oct 29, 2010開始   10帖子
Feb 03, 2012 at 11:45
Hi Tony,

I had a few question about the risk management for this system:

1. What is the recommended % risk per trade?
2. Do you stop at a certain number of winners or losers per day before stopping trading for the day?
3. Do you stops on any certain times of the year like US/UK bank holidays, NFP days etc..?

Many thanks,

Failing to plan is planning to fail!
會員從Mar 28, 2011開始   942帖子
Feb 06, 2012 at 16:42

honestforex posted:

Is that a problem Mr. Forex Police?

I guess their idea wasn't bad - http://www.myfxbook.com/members/forexpolice

Thanks for the information forex police.

Dishonest Forex Signals sounds about right.
會員從Mar 19, 2012開始   2帖子
May 08, 2012 at 06:33
31st January 2012: Quote: "the Expectancy is only 5.7 pips per trade".
Unfortunately, the Expectancy for this system has now settled down to about 4.2 per trade.
With an HFS hard-coded permitted-slippage value setting (for the EA) of 5 pips.
That can't be good.
會員從Mar 19, 2012開始   2帖子
May 26, 2012 at 08:54
They sent out an email extolling the positives of this last week, but the expectancy is now down to 3.0 pips (per trade) for a system that has been published for about 11 months. Since the stop is always set to about twice the target, it makes sense that HFX should do worse in periods of higher volatility and they have had by far the worst month and biggest draw-down so far in May 2012. Hope it gets better soon.
會員從Sep 26, 2011開始   3帖子
May 27, 2012 at 06:04
5000 pips verified on our website in the last 12 months.
Call our broker to verify or view various MyFXBook accounts and screenshots.

Questions, email us -- we do not monitor this -- this is not even our primary MYFXBook yet I get an email when folks write stuff here ...


Honest Forex Signals
會員從Mar 28, 2011開始   942帖子
Jul 04, 2012 at 08:10
You can now get these signals for free through vavatrade - http://www.vavatrade.com/free-access
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