Mt4-517742 (由 pentaforex)

收益: +223.79%
縮減 19.38%
點: 5433.3
交易 179
類型: 演示
杠杆率: -
交易: 手動


Sep 03, 2013 at 04:53
8 Replies
會員從Apr 25, 2013開始   102帖子
Nov 03, 2013 at 22:41
Impressive achievement so far! 😉
Patience, focus and self-control to win the game with diligence.
會員從Jan 02, 2012開始   26帖子
Nov 04, 2013 at 12:44
Always win ...i Hope..
會員從Aug 16, 2013開始   16帖子
Nov 05, 2013 at 07:32
I trade on candle patterns price action and rsi level and my experience when to enter.
I also manage live account but can not post statement because of clients privacy
Share is care
會員從Jul 15, 2013開始   2帖子
Nov 07, 2013 at 10:44
Good results, but that is only demo. As all we know, there is a huge abyss between demo and real trading. If you want to attract any customers to your service you should open some live accounts to the public. That is not a critic, but advice.
會員從Aug 16, 2013開始   16帖子
Nov 07, 2013 at 12:16
Thanks for your advise.

Yes you are right.

I am currently handling 7 clients Forex Accounts but they dont give me permission to share their info on internet.
So i can not share live Account.

If Some Clients want 5 days free trial to judge me i can provide that.
Share is care
會員從Nov 07, 2013開始   1帖子
Nov 07, 2013 at 12:34
Как начать копировать сделки? Сначало на демо хочу проверить.
Всегда готов
會員從Jul 15, 2013開始   2帖子
Nov 07, 2013 at 12:34
pentaforex posted:
Thanks for your advise.

Yes you are right.

I am currently handling 7 clients Forex Accounts but they dont give me permission to share their info on internet.
So i can not share live Account.

If Some Clients want 5 days free trial to judge me i can provide that.

I was managing clients accounts and never had such problem. Why would they don't give you permission to share, if this is absolutely anonymous? Moreover, I don't think you need their permission because you don't share any personal details. I may be wrong, of course, but I think you have nothing except this demo account, and as I already told, there is a huge abyss between demo and real.
會員從Apr 25, 2013開始   102帖子
Nov 14, 2013 at 01:30
Hi Sandip,

Why does your account hasn't been updated since 10/31?

Cheers! 😉
Patience, focus and self-control to win the game with diligence.
會員從Jul 03, 2010開始   151帖子
Nov 14, 2013 at 18:17
star4x posted:
pentaforex posted:
Thanks for your advise.

Yes you are right.

I am currently handling 7 clients Forex Accounts but they dont give me permission to share their info on internet.
So i can not share live Account.

If Some Clients want 5 days free trial to judge me i can provide that.

I was managing clients accounts and never had such problem. Why would they don't give you permission to share, if this is absolutely anonymous? Moreover, I don't think you need their permission because you don't share any personal details. I may be wrong, of course, but I think you have nothing except this demo account, and as I already told, there is a huge abyss between demo and real.

Those who do not have live account, says such type of excuses,, in fact, these people not trading live account..

Some pepole say, live account can be hacked. some says, by seeing live account anybody can learn the strategy, somebody say it is against law, and the law gives them capital punishment if reveal live account...

So better stay away from such type of people who deny to show live account by saying such type exucuses..

And this account not updated sinnce october 31, I found the guy never respond in one forum when somebody asked about the reason ...

He can be his excuses for not updating.. But truth can be different
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