SavantGarde (由 SavantGarde)

收益: +7232.75%
縮減 16.00%
點: 239265396.9
交易 3349
類型: 演示
杠杆率: 1:400
交易: 手動


Dec 05, 2011 at 21:22
10 Replies
會員從Dec 05, 2011開始   4帖子
Dec 07, 2011 at 17:47
There is an interesting background to this....Demo account.
It was a challenge from a friend.....& I have to continue this for total of 15 months with a win percentage of 95 & it must reach $10 Mil. by then....there is quite a packet for me if completed successfully.

Will elaborate how I have been trading this in another post.

" You don't play things as they are on your pink guitar" Things as they are......are changed upon my pink guitar.
會員從Nov 23, 2011開始   29帖子
Dec 13, 2011 at 11:07
wow.... Thats crazy? Is this an EA or a signal?
#BaseHits Lead to Runs!!!
會員從Dec 05, 2011開始   4帖子
Dec 13, 2011 at 11:42
Hi Sean,

There is no EA & No Signal....It is just plain ole eyeballing...but I do have 9 & 100 SMA on the charts... besides that I have BB with 20,3 settings and Stochastic with 9,3,4 setting... That's about all the clutter I can bear on a chart...:)

Will put some details about this a little later.... should make for an interesting read.....for many.

Although wasn't very active on the account for last few months that is perhaps obvious...!!!


" You don't play things as they are on your pink guitar" Things as they are......are changed upon my pink guitar.
會員從Oct 30, 2010開始   2帖子
Dec 22, 2011 at 05:16
10 MIll....I am will reach 10 B....
and you will say it just happen....
會員從Oct 30, 2010開始   2帖子
Dec 22, 2011 at 05:19
Why you have kept open trade as private?
會員從Dec 05, 2011開始   4帖子
Dec 22, 2011 at 10:08
I didn't know the account is public I thought I had kept the whole thing Private except when I added the account here I didn't know the settings....:)

" You don't play things as they are on your pink guitar" Things as they are......are changed upon my pink guitar.
會員從Dec 29, 2011開始   1帖子
Jan 15, 2012 at 20:55

What I see in the account is really exceptional and I am amazed with the accuracy and results drawn. Its truely spectacular and astonishing. Same results across all the instrument traded that too with simple ole ( hard to believe ..! ) and limited clutter of tools in arsenal.

I would suggest Savant Sir, you sure write a book and it would be a bestseller. :)

Would be glad to know more about the strategy behind your trades and it will be a boon to all. May as well would check in TJ if any references of this anywhere. Your live example of this account have added much hopes to my struggling journey in markets.

會員從May 31, 2011開始   6帖子
Feb 16, 2012 at 07:02
EURCHF markup
Psychology of Forex
會員從Sep 16, 2012開始   12帖子
Oct 01, 2012 at 10:36
What timeframe do you use for trading?
會員從Feb 19, 2013開始   1帖子
Mar 16, 2013 at 00:30
Dear SG Sir,

On page 152 of your trade log there are 4 short positions on DJIA which are as follows:

27.06.2011 16:55 27.06.2011 16:56 DOW_JO Sell 0.50 - - 606148.00000 12006.00000 59414200.0 1485355.00 1m 32.22%

27.06.2011 16:55 27.06.2011 16:56 DOW_JO Sell 0.50 - - 606148.00000 12006.00000 59414200.0 1485355.00 1m 47.54%

27.06.2011 16:55 27.06.2011 16:56 DOW_JO Sell 0.50 - - 606148.00000 12006.00000 59414200.0 1485355.00 1m 90.63%

27.06.2011 16:47 27.06.2011 16:47 DOW_JO Sell 0.50 - - 606149.00000 12002.00000 59414700.0 1485367.50 0s 967.16%

How these trades are possible when the range for DJIA on 27-06-2011 is from 12029 to 11860????

Please explain the same, if possible.

會員從Apr 17, 2013開始   4帖子
Apr 21, 2013 at 17:02
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