Shady Dude 5000 (由 shadydude)


Shady Dude 5000討論

Sep 02, 2009 at 22:03
54 Replies
會員從Aug 31, 2009開始   131帖子
Sep 06, 2009 at 19:07 (已編輯Sep 06, 2009 at 19:12)
Collective FX! -
They charge a flat monthly fee so they're only for pro traders with proven strategies but I prefer to pay a flat fee and trade as much as I want without padded spreads instead of getting a spread tax added to EVERY trade.
ATC is a ECN too! - Great Spreads and only $8 per 100K roundturn. Sweet Broker!
MB Trading is in BETA with their MT4 ECN. - Higher commisions but NO MARKET MANIPULATION!!
It ain't easy being Cheesy!
會員從Aug 22, 2009開始   17帖子
Sep 06, 2009 at 20:12
collective is no longer taking clients
會員從Aug 31, 2009開始   131帖子
Sep 06, 2009 at 21:05
"...Also, for those of you on the waiting list, we will be sending out notices next week as we flush the unfunded accounts.

4of7 - Gary.

The Collective FX, 5241 Savoy Court, Cape Coral FL 33904"

It ain't easy being Cheesy!
會員從Aug 01, 2009開始   895帖子
Sep 06, 2009 at 23:19
4 of 7 Gary? the collective? I'll be buggered if open an account with the Borg. They'll just assimilate it!!
會員從Aug 31, 2009開始   131帖子
Sep 06, 2009 at 23:24
😁 I know the 'BORG' thing is part of their shtick. I'm a geek so I like it. As long as the let me assimilate maximum pips from the market I volunteer to be plugged into 'The Matrix'.
It ain't easy being Cheesy!
會員從Aug 22, 2009開始   17帖子
Sep 06, 2009 at 23:34 (已編輯Sep 06, 2009 at 23:38)
Fulltime, are you using all three of these ECN brokers? I read the reviews. Some good, some bad. I cannot figure out which one to go with.

MB trading has some great reviews, and just heard from a senior trader who says they are a large company, and he also uses Broco, in Russia, both with great results.
會員從Aug 01, 2009開始   895帖子
Sep 06, 2009 at 23:36

I don't worry to much about the brokers feeds, I just assume someones playing with my feed and/or the market and work around it. Few pips this way or that way doesn't make a difference.
會員從Aug 31, 2009開始   131帖子
Sep 06, 2009 at 23:56 (已編輯Sep 07, 2009 at 00:12)
I dont care about a pip or 2. I care about am I gonna be requoted, stop hunted, platform froze, etc... With a ECN those questions arent even part of your relationship. When my EA triggers a signal - PLACE MY ODER!! - No Games, No Tricks, Just do what I'm paying you to do! With ECN's you can add TP/SL and know its safe because no games are gonna be played. ECN's are the only ones the put your order into the market win or lose. After having experiences with crooked brokers I've decided to just eliminate that worry. With ECN's I worry about my trading NOT my broker.

I've demo'd CFX and it looks great (I'm waiting for the next signup period), I've been with ATC but it was in their formation stage (a lil' buggy) so I moved but would go back in a flash is CFX doesnt work out (I like CFX flat pricing) - MBTrading is a ECN and I was gonna go with them but they're still debugging the MT4 and I just went through that process with ATC. Its generally recognized that MB is the real deal but they're the most expensive of the 3 plus most currencies have negative swap on both sides! Never tested Broco but have heard really nothing but good things but I'll use the Russian broker last.

Why ECN's are the greatest thing since sliced bread: (A TXT from ForexFactory)
I trade with (MBTrading)

You can google and find out what I really think about "FIXED SPREAD BANDITS".
I'll leave it at that so I don't get banned.

How do I avoid the spread?
I explained this to someone yesterday in an IM.
With EFX you pay a commission rather than having a "FIXED SPREAD".

Let's say the current bid/ask is 1.5010 x 1.5015

The current spread is 5 pips.
You want to SHORT.
You SHORT at 1.5010.
You set a TP at 1.5005.

Bid/Ask becomes 1.5005 x 1.5009 and the current spread is 4 pips.
At EFX, you will get filled if the bid is 1.5005 and someone TAKES your offer.
Bid/Ask is now 1.5004 x 1.5009 and YOU HAVE YOUR PROFIT.

Note: the ASK never reached 1.5005. THIS IS IMPORTANT!
If you entered this order at a FIXED SPREAD BANDIT, whoops I mean broker, your order is STILL OPEN!!
The bid/ask must become 1.5000 x 1.5005 and your order HITS the Ask.


If not, then read this over and over and over again until the LIGHT BULB goes off!!

The day I found out about EFX is the day I opened an account there and stopped trading with FIXED SPREAD BROKERS.
The simplest thing to do is to load up a demo account at EFX Group and see it with your own eyes.
When you place your TP Bid offer at 1.5005, your bid is displayed on Level II.
The point is with EFX your offer gets hit.
With FIXED SPREAD BROKERS you have to wait to hit their offer.

Maybe this might help:

1.5010 x 1.5015

and price drops...

1.5009 x 1.5014
1.5008 x 1.5013
1.5007 x 1.5013
1.5006 x 1.5012
1.5006 x 1.5011
1.5005 x 1.5011 You may get hit
1.5005 x 1.5010 You may get hit

1.5003 x 1.5008
1.5002 x 1.5007
1.5001 x 1.5006

Does that make it clearer??

What about the commission cost? The commission varies depending on the pair trading.
It is $.50 per 10k minilot on USDJPY. So if I gross 2 pips, I am making money.

From the EFX site: Commission Rates

Fixed spreads are a way for FCMs to markup or markdown the best bid or offer. FCMs do this to hide their fee into the price of the currency pair instead of displaying their best quote. Common sense tells you that no one works for free, so when you see an FCM claim they have ?no commission?, that should be a red flag. So how are they getting paid? Its simple: they are making money with the built-in markup/markdown in the spread.

Our FCM, MB Trading Futures, has nothing to hide. They offer tighter spreads with no markups/markdowns and openly display a low commission rate.

Commissions are based on total dollar amount traded: $5 per $100,000 traded.
It ain't easy being Cheesy!
會員從Aug 22, 2009開始   17帖子
Sep 07, 2009 at 00:17
會員從Aug 20, 2009開始   208帖子
Sep 07, 2009 at 10:38
The stats are all wrong, same problem with Look at the open trades running at massive losses. In a real live account with significant capital nobody is going to allow a position to just keep on running at a loss. Factor in these losing trades and the profit is nowhere near 2700%.

This issue must be addressed by myfxbook, it allows people to make fraudulent claims as to their trading ability.
會員從Aug 31, 2009開始   131帖子
Sep 07, 2009 at 10:53
It really doesn't bother me if only closed trades are used in the calculation as long as the correct equity number is there. Bal: $142,005.01 - Equity: $72,437.16 - So I can easily calculate that -69,567.85 is floating. (Even though a Floating P/L should be in the stats). If its a hold and hope strategy with no exit strategy then Father Time will take care of it. Just like Martingales, the truth of the market always get told in the end. The Blowup is inevitable.
It ain't easy being Cheesy!
會員從Jul 31, 2009開始   1418帖子
Sep 07, 2009 at 11:09 (已編輯Sep 07, 2009 at 11:10)
stephanusR posted:
The stats are all wrong, same problem with Look at the open trades running at massive losses. In a real live account with significant capital nobody is going to allow a position to just keep on running at a loss. Factor in these losing trades and the profit is nowhere near 2700%.

This issue must be addressed by myfxbook, it allows people to make fraudulent claims as to their trading ability.

Fulltime247 posted:
It really doesn't bother me if only closed trades are used in the calculation as long as the correct equity number is there. Bal: $142,005.01 - Equity: $72,437.16 - So I can easily calculate that -69,567.85 is floating. (Even though a Floating P/L should be in the stats). If its a hold and hope strategy with no exit strategy then Father Time will take care of it. Just like Martingales, the truth of the market always get told in the end. The Blowup is inevitable.

We are aware of this issue, and indeed the floating P/L information will be added (either in currency terms or percentage).

Thank you for pointing that out.
會員從Aug 22, 2009開始   17帖子
Sep 09, 2009 at 18:39 (已編輯Sep 09, 2009 at 18:40)

I have spoken with the owner of a Virtual Dedicated Server company who has told me he has set up my account with 1 GB ram locked VDS with Windows Server 2008, on a Dell R-710 Server, 2 quad core processors with 72 GB Ram, $42,000.00 with a direct connect to the ATT Backbone. They have dedicated this new maching exclusively for MetaTrader.

Using Mt MultiTrader you get from your broker, I suggest setting up to trade with the direct connect ATT Backbone this server is hooked into, let me set up my locked VDS on the same server; you can have 1 subscriber or 72 on the same maching, and guarantee IDENTICAL trades you get. No one has mentioned it in over 14,000 web pages I have read over about forex. Your trades look fantastic.

He will let you trade a month for 1.00, then, with the coupon code, you get a 1 GB locked ram, 20GB Hard disk Space, UnMetered 2-4 mbps Bandwidth. With an ECN Broker, this could be the ultimate way to trade. ECN MB Trading has an excellent reputation, in California, and will let people open an account for as little as 400.00. They are rushing to get MT online, but, have the demo now with 10,000 start up, so divide by 10 for a 1,000 start up. We could run a live statement, and you could start getting subscribers to your signal directly. I hope this is allowed on this forum, because I am trying to set up the best trading environment. It looks to me like the forum creators are trying to help traders, and this to me is ideal. There is nothing faster we can get to .

會員從Aug 22, 2009開始   29帖子
Sep 09, 2009 at 19:40
Looks like Shady Dudes gone
lots of little bit's make a one big bit
會員從Aug 05, 2009開始   70帖子
Sep 09, 2009 at 20:35
trading is passion
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