Well 2021 is my final attempt to get this trading thing going and so far it's going well. Having started some 5 years ago - lost a lot of money have gone away and on/off got to somewhere that is working for me. The goal maybe in a few years to give up the day job and do this full time but until then just enjoying watching my small account grow at a stready rate and not stressed out about the trades.
Perfer Robot but mixing some manual.
Currently using the Trade Explorer Robot since the 1st Jan 2021 for the currency trades
More details here
Share/UK100 trades are manual trades to resolve losing Robot trades that breach my trading plan.

Also doing this - early days so can't confirm 10% (ish) a month is delivered but more details here:-
Forget "Get Rich Quick" But I will be in a few years


Systems by Sprocket

姓名 收益 縮減 交易 杠杆率 類型
Tester -63.90% 85.98% 239712.8 - 1:30 真實
New Account 213.95% 73.08% 40187.4 - 1:300 真實