Hey there. I'm a trader originating from one of the most expensive city in the world: Singapore.
Several years ago I was not profitable and struggling but throughout the learning process I've become better and this system will be sort of a testament to this entire learning process.
Always follow the trend. Even the worst trader can look like an expert when with the trend.


Systems by lloyd_yeo

姓名 收益 縮減 交易 杠杆率 類型
Price Action Lloyd 1041.31% 29.41% -290.0 手動 1:400 真實
PA Lloyd 65.73% 26.87% 304.2 手動 1:400 真實
Price Action - Lloyd 1100.87% 100.00% 1618.3 手動 1:400 真實


lloyd_yeo's Reviews
