We constantly come up with fresh ideas and methods to maintain our position as the best in the industry.
We do our best work when we trust one another as individuals, value the capabilities and contributions of each person, and recognise that work is but one part of a full and rewarding life.
Mind | Method | Money


Systems by rtfttacademy

姓名 收益 縮減 交易 杠杆率 類型
Quantum F3 54.44% 10.08% 7477.9 手動 1:1000 真實

Strategies by rtfttacademy

姓名 收益 縮減 業績
RnD : EA Gold +2215.25% 36.21 45616.0 RnD : EA Gold performance
VCB Investment Berhad [USDCAD] +3.15M% 22.85 41133.6 VCB Investment Berhad [USDCAD] performance
Aslan The King EA [EURUSD] +206.22M% 26.19 11960.6 Aslan The King EA [EURUSD] performance
Aslan The King [Best Gold EA] +634842.82% 28.66 647352.0 Aslan The King [Best Gold EA] performance



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