I have been Paper trading since September, 2008. I started with Stocks, moved onto Futures and now i am trading Forex. I first traded on Think or Swim and have now moved onto Oanda.
I mainly trade off of Support and Resistance, but change when the market proves different. I'm still experimenting, so my results will vary throughout the months. Currently i am experimenting with MA's. It's going quite well, but still along ways to go.
You're only right if you agree with the markets.


Systems by takeiteasy

姓名 收益 縮減 交易 杠杆率 類型
takeiteasy -21.82% 21.99% -3288.0 手動 1:50 演示
takeiteasy-live -71.37% 100.00% -14916.8 手動 1:20 真實