FIBO Group (Cyprus)
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Operates well with MT4, tight spreads and reliable broker.
Никаких проблем! Не на что жаловаться! А вот похвалить можно и даже нужно! Так держать!
Есть у кого прецеденты с невыплатой денег когда профит за 100%?
I created an account there and was quite disappointed. You need a paper for everything. This broker is unusually bureaucratic. Even when you deposit money, you must deposit it and notify the broker about it (even when you deposit money using their own website). When you want to withdraw your money, you must pay a fee. The account control website is somewhat buggy. The helpdesk is in form of on-line chat and is fast and kind. Anyway, I am leaving this broker.
Tried to invest in PAMM, analysed rates and at the end found the PAMM manager with good profits and small drawdowns. At the moment my investment increased from 2000 to 2800 during the month. I thnk it's rather good result. Now I am going to open one more PAMM account with other manager to reduse risks. By the way, there is a very easy filtrering system on their website. It's really easy to fing a good manager. I analysed many other brokers and noone doesn't have such filter. I think it's very important advantage! I tried to trade by myself but I don't have enoung nerves and patient...and knowledge. I think it's better and easier to entrust your money to successfull trader and to get money without any problems
Hello Diana,
This broker is regulated by the FSC.
Good luck!
Hello forum,
is this broker regulated? By whom they are regulated?
Actual customer support is frendly and patient now. Нормальная и терпеливая техподдержка, ордера NDD действительно нередко закрываются лучше рынка (вручную). Однако отложенные ордера часто открываются на пол-спреда - спред хуже, но при спреде в 0,2-0,3 пункта это несущественно.
Отлично подходит для пипсовки. Отработано около 3 тыс. приказов. И до сих пор ни одного реквота, даже во время новостей (но бывают объяснимые проскальзывания).😎
Торгую уже квартал после закрытия divenFX, полет нормальный
Customer support is not friendly but good in other cases.