USDCHF loss on Alpari forex (RU?)

Jan 17, 2015 at 17:50
24 Replies
Member Since Jan 15, 2010   3 posts
Jan 17, 2015 at 17:50
I had my opened when it was Alpari NZ now I don't know whether it is RU now or not..
Anyways due to the SNB shock some USDCHF and won but the last one loss all the money plus a negative balance.

It seems even there is a SL, it was not executed at SL price can cause dme to loss even more money and happened in the same second the trade was placed!

Just got an e-mail (probably automatic) asking me to deposit 8k deficit I had..
I had asked their support to review the trade, support ask me to file a claim.

Let's hope they can take care of it like the other brokers do as they never made any statement like other brokers do. And lately Alpari forex had nullified my other trade saying their quote software had frozen caused price not updating... :(


Member Since Nov 12, 2010   160 posts
Jan 17, 2015 at 23:51
If they are like most brokers, then they should have to cover any losses that your account can't cover. I don't know what their agreement is with clients but that is how it is with which is what I use. I definitely would not deposit any money. I would look into a different broker if I were you if you wish to start trading again.
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Member Since Dec 13, 2014   61 posts
Jan 18, 2015 at 08:52
lol they have gone bust
Member Since May 19, 2014   21 posts
Jan 18, 2015 at 08:52
what SNB did on Thursday will never be forgotten
Member Since Dec 13, 2014   61 posts
Jan 18, 2015 at 10:53
Yes you will remember it forever as your gamble went totally wrong
Member Since Jan 15, 2010   3 posts
Jan 18, 2015 at 15:23
They said I need to pay them as in the agreement. But I would definitely try to argue about that margin call should have happened before I go nelow zero

"One of your trading accounts is in arrears. In accordance with clause 6.4 of the Terms of Business for ECN Accounts, you must pay off your negative balance as soon as possible, using any of the deposit options listed on our site."
Member Since May 19, 2014   21 posts
Jan 18, 2015 at 15:59
My account is safe but i feel bad for anyone that lost their money
Member Since Dec 13, 2014   61 posts
Jan 18, 2015 at 16:00
Don't pay anything and they will soon be dissolved. Just ignore these thieves and they will vanish very fast, but I saw the trade that was turned into a huge negative. The issue is it's their fault for not stopping it lol and this happens once in a lifetime.
Member Since Dec 12, 2014   109 posts
Jan 18, 2015 at 19:17
In your place I wouldnt pay a dime.

However I do not know your agreement.

Regardless, there is no way in hell you should send them another 8k.

Let them dissolve.


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Member Since Dec 12, 2014   109 posts
Jan 18, 2015 at 21:33

you can’t hire an army of lawyers to track thousands of micro-debts because each debt is smaller than 30 min of lawyer fees.
Get investors and get paid 15 percent of theyr profits. More on my website.
Member Since Oct 11, 2013   769 posts
Jan 19, 2015 at 12:46
Adding to the Alpari drama, FXCM says it wants to buy the company.
Member Since Dec 13, 2014   61 posts
Jan 19, 2015 at 16:01
FXCM itself is in deep shit borrowing so much to stay afloat and wants to buy another in deep shit which sounds like a shit salad
Member Since Dec 16, 2011   268 posts
Jan 19, 2015 at 16:46
Alpari UK talks fail, company enters administration . KPMG LLP has been appointed administrators of Alpari UK. Company will return $99 million of client money, as no buyers or lifeline providers emerged.
Member Since Oct 21, 2014   19 posts
Jan 19, 2015 at 21:35
kohaku3n posted:
I had my opened when it was Alpari NZ now I don't know whether it is RU now or not..
Anyways due to the SNB shock some USDCHF and won but the last one loss all the money plus a negative balance.

It seems even there is a SL, it was not executed at SL price can cause dme to loss even more money and happened in the same second the trade was placed!

Just got an e-mail (probably automatic) asking me to deposit 8k deficit I had..
I had asked their support to review the trade, support ask me to file a claim.

Let's hope they can take care of it like the other brokers do as they never made any statement like other brokers do. And lately Alpari forex had nullified my other trade saying their quote software had frozen caused price not updating... :(

I'm sorry for your loss. What happened in the market for CHF pairs it's call slippage and if clients don't read the fine print within their agreements the risk losing their entire account based off a glitch in the system. It really sucks that brokers aren't willing to reimburse clients for there loss.😞
Check out my blog to read about an encounter I had with my broker in regard to this unfortunate event.
There is no such thing as failure, just valuable experiences.
Member Since Nov 19, 2014   157 posts
Jan 21, 2015 at 10:51
...totally unrelated comment

Me gusta caramel natural tambien ..dale mami..DALE!!!

..back to topic..I wonder what means they have to collect from us if we owe them money..can we simply ignore it ?

Trade Less, Earn More
Member Since Aug 06, 2011   326 posts
Jan 24, 2015 at 20:52
forexpipcatchar posted:
lol they have gone bust

You are so cruel...but so correct! They're gone! 😎
Member Since Oct 11, 2013   769 posts
Jan 25, 2015 at 21:13
Just be careful with whom you choose to be your broker. A lot of companies will go bust, but others will emerge as the most reliable and profitable ones.
Member Since Aug 06, 2011   326 posts
Jan 25, 2015 at 21:48
alexforex007 posted:
Just be careful with whom you choose to be your broker. A lot of companies will go bust, but others will emerge as the most reliable and profitable ones.

So true. Critical if you want to be around for the long-haul...know your broker! Don't worry about bonus offers, spreads, and all the promo stuff, focus instead on account terms and conditions, segregation of client funds, if the broker banks with a reputable bank in the same country that the broker is registered, licensing, regulation, legal system and legal jurisdiction.

Of the above, my first priority is client funds segregation to ensure that should my broker become insolvent, my funds are protected. Second priority is to ensure the local legal system and regulators require segregation and enforce these measures. If your money is not safe, the rest is pointless! 😎
Member Since Oct 21, 2014   19 posts
Jan 26, 2015 at 07:47
...totally unrelated comment

Me gusta caramel natural tambien ..dale mami..DALE!!!

..back to topic..I wonder what means they have to collect from us if we owe them money..can we simply ignore it ?

Lol. That was totally random, but it's okay. Gracias por el comentario. Que tengas buen día 😎
There is no such thing as failure, just valuable experiences.
Member Since Jan 19, 2013   1 posts
Jan 27, 2015 at 07:24
I have an account with Alpari UK. I was't in the CHF trade. Is it possible I will get my money back.
I am also preparing to move on with my trading journey. Where do I go to find information about these brokers and could anybody recommend some. I am in the UK
1. Client funds segregation
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