fxtraq: myfxbook on your Android powered device

Dec 20, 2011 at 07:27
20 Replies
Member Since Dec 19, 2011   11 posts
Dec 20, 2011 at 07:27
First of all, we'd like to thank Ethan and all guys @myfxbook for the tribune they offered us.

We recently released fxtraq, a free Android app dedicated to myfxbook. This app leverages myfxbook API and gives you access to usefull informations. Features include access to your accounts overview (incl. open trades, pending orders, graph and account trade history), access to the community outlook and even a live cross quotation.

Feel free to review, use and share this app! As it's still beta software, we greatly value your feedback. You can download the app from the official Google Market here: https://market.android.com/details?id=com.ooboqoo.fxtraq

ooboqoo Android Team
Member Since Dec 19, 2011   11 posts
Dec 20, 2011 at 07:27
reserved for future anouncement
Member Since Oct 03, 2011   22 posts
Dec 21, 2011 at 00:29
Very Nice.
Is it possible to do any local caching to make the app a little more snappy?
Probably a big ask.
Member Since Dec 19, 2011   11 posts
Dec 21, 2011 at 09:43
Well, first we thought caching was a nonsense as what we expect when we use the app is to always get fresh datas. We then realized that we could cache data for the current session to avoid reloading the same datas again and again when browsing from one account to another one (or going back to an account you just checked).

Imagine you start the app and connect to myfxbook.com if needed. The app engine updates your account list. You touch an account, its details are refreshed on the go (ie: you're waiting for datas). Go back to the app home, touch the same account again: it's updated once again (ie: you're waiting for the same datas once again). This process can be improved. We'll try to implement some kind of caching for that typical usecase. As we imagine one of the future release, we think we could use a 'session' cache that will be filled with requests results on the go and flushed once you exit the app. That mean you'll still have to wait for the account list to refresh and for each account details to refresh; but only once in a session. Another optional feature could be to 'not fush the cache on exit' which could lead to display the latest available data while loading fresh ones in background.

As the beta 2 will mostly deal with look & feel but no new feature, this one is planned to be implemented in beta 3.
Member Since Nov 08, 2010   4 posts
Jan 17, 2012 at 11:47
Nice work!

I use it and really love it.

I have just a bug to report:

In the order history list (after clicking on the chart), i noticed that the orders aren't well sorted. The 2012 closed orders are sorted before december 2011 orders..

It would be truly magical to have a widget that displays the informations of one selected account directly. In one eye shot you could see, for example, the current status of an account (without entering in the app)
It's not a revolutionnary stuff but i know it's a lot of work... Just an idea that would be truly amazing for me

But great work indeed!!!!

Many thanks

Member Since Dec 19, 2011   11 posts
Jan 21, 2012 at 09:35
Hi Hervé,

We're really proud to ear that you like our app, thank u :)

Of course, we already noticed the freakin' date sorting bug and we'll surely release a beta 2.5 soon to correct at least this one. We're working quite hard on beta 3 despite our overbooked schedules (we're not full time app-makers... yet), and we'd like to release at least a version a month. We might add a widget 'for fun' as it's not our primary goal, anyway, we'll try to make something functionnal and somewhat useful.

Thanks for feeding us with new features requests: we like to code by design :p
Member Since Nov 08, 2010   4 posts
Jan 23, 2012 at 10:15
Hi ooboqoo,

You're welcome!

Nice! I am delighted at this news! ;-)

I understand that the widget isn't your primary objective. It's normal.
But if one day you work on it, i have another request:
It would be a nice thing if a notification appears when the balance of the account change (means that one or many order were closed - balance account changed). :-)

Many thanks to take time to reading my requests!

Have a great day

Member Since Dec 19, 2011   11 posts
Jan 24, 2012 at 09:22
This widget idea seems more and more interesting. We'll look at.
By the way, beta 2.5 is out, it should be available in few minutes from the market. No more date sorting bug!
Member Since Nov 08, 2010   4 posts
Jan 24, 2012 at 09:54
Very good!

I made the update! It works like a charm!

Many thanks!
Member Since Nov 08, 2010   4 posts
Jan 31, 2012 at 14:03
Hi ooboqoo,

I noticed a new bug in the order history:
Ok, now the order is well date-sorted but not time sorted!

I think that is a bug related to AM and PM (because the order where i see this error closed at 3:22 PM and it's listed before an order closed at 7:45 AM).

Hope my comments will help you to improve this great app!
Member Since Oct 24, 2011   12 posts
Jan 31, 2012 at 17:23
Here are I also found another issue, rather big one for me: after a trade is closed it takes quite a while for it to appear in the history. I keep looking to see how a trade from an EA goes, and after it's closed I can't find it in the history. I have to go the myfxbook site to see the outcome. By the time it shows up (sometime hours later) I'm no longer interested.

Also it would be nice to show the trade comment. I have multiple EAs running on my account and I need to see who did what.

These are the 2 reasons for now, for which I still use the myfxbook site from my phone instead of the app.
Member Since Dec 19, 2011   11 posts
Mar 01, 2012 at 13:43
Hi there,

We just released beta 3! Here is the changelog:
[ADD] Trade history to display comments when in landscape mode
[ADD] Customized charts - see settings
[ADD] Customized live symbols - see settings
[FIX] Trade history sorted by close date
[FIX] A lot of bugs!

So: yes, there was still a nasty bug with date sorting, it took us a quite long time to find it out, but now it should be OK. Yes, there's a lag when retrieving closed trades. We do believe this comes from a configuration issue on the myfxbook api server. But before we 'open a support case', we have to make sure of it. So tests are in progress.

We already worked a lot on speed improvement but this task is not yet achived: we'll keep on looking for a suitable caching strategy. We don't forget the widget too. Stay tuned! By the way, now we have a webpage, a twitter account and a facebook account so that you can follow us. Links provided on our webpage at www.ooboqoo.com

Enjoy trading :)
Member Since Dec 19, 2011   11 posts
Mar 29, 2012 at 14:53
We're back!

beta 5 is out and includes long awaited features:
- local caching (off by default, check settings)
- toggle SSL on/off (off by default, check settings)
- feedback feature... so that you can send us emails

SSL API calls are slower than unsecured ones due to protocol handshake and data encryption. Prior beta 5, it was 'on' by default wiithout any ability to disengage it. Now, you might want to override the SSL layer. There's not that much risks. SSL will always be used when login in, so your password remains safe.

You might want to enable the caching feature. Beware, this will display outdated datas while fresh ones will be grabbed. This won't speed up large grid rendering. Cache, as we use it, stores responses from webservices, not serialized Android objects... for now. You should get a better experience about caching when SSL is 'on'.

Some of you noticed an issue displaying graphs on fxtraq two days ago. Well... as you probably read on this forum, this was due to a server upgrade @myfxbook. Ethan solved it, we're back on track.

Enjoy trading.
Member Since May 17, 2012   1 posts
May 31, 2012 at 07:06
great app thank you!
Those who DARE Win (Dont-Always-Risk-Everything)
Member Since Feb 18, 2013   12 posts
Feb 18, 2013 at 12:46
Hope we get a widget too..

Member Since Mar 06, 2012   35 posts
Feb 19, 2013 at 07:57
Not available for my country,.. :(
Member Since Dec 19, 2011   11 posts
Feb 19, 2013 at 18:17
It's been a while since we last post here. By time of writing, fxtraq should be available worldwide (or at least in the process of getting available worldwide). We'll keep on working on v1 to release it as soon as it will be stable enough :-) v2 will include a widget and JB support (incl. tablets). We plan to release first beta by this summer. We know it seems to be in a quite long time: that's the price of free software...

Stay tuned.
Member Since Jun 30, 2011   53 posts
Jun 15, 2013 at 13:00
Any news about this app. Since some month every time that i try to open i receive "An erro occured while connecting to webservice"
Member Since Feb 19, 2011   61 posts
Jun 17, 2013 at 03:57
Yup, face the same error as above. Would really appreciate a fix on this app.

It is indeed a good app for android users

Keep up the good work folks, will wait to get the updates.
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Member Since Jul 16, 2013   352 posts
Nov 08, 2013 at 13:18
I know it has been a while since anyone replied to this thread, but hopefully this will not fall on deaf ears (or blind eyes).
Is there something for windows 8 phones?

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