Are there secret forex strategies in the forex market?

May 09, 2019 at 11:01
118 Replies
Member Since Nov 12, 2016   5 posts
Aug 29, 2019 at 07:24
I'd say no! But there are free Ebooks available from the database at ' iMetaTrade ' covering well known profitable strategies!
Member Since Aug 29, 2019   10 posts
Aug 29, 2019 at 09:58
Vanquish posted:
I'd say no! But there are free Ebooks available from the database at ' iMetaTrade ' covering well known profitable strategies!

If these strategies are so profitable then why doesn't someone just code them into an EA and make a billionbucks
Member Since Apr 18, 2017   659 posts
Aug 29, 2019 at 16:12
flashoutline posted:
Vanquish posted:
I'd say no! But there are free Ebooks available from the database at ' iMetaTrade ' covering well known profitable strategies!

If these strategies are so profitable then why doesn't someone just code them into an EA and make a billionbucks

True; this is why, I always prefer manual trading! Because, depending on others trading system is meaningless!
Member Since Oct 24, 2019   45 posts
Nov 26, 2019 at 12:00
For a successful trading career you have to work step by step first learning , create a plan , focus and stick on the plan and make sure its accurate and according to the risk management aspects
Revenue is vanity, profit is sanity, but cash is king
Member Since Oct 23, 2014   77 posts
Nov 27, 2019 at 03:55
Are there secret forex strategies in the forex market? answer yes; from experience making my own ea;s robots;i have made 2-3 that i searched internet and found nothing even close to there must be people with secret methods.99 percent of trading methods use indicators for a start.indicators were started for sharemarket.i use candlesticks open/close combined with speed of price movement. plus price high and lows.there many ways to trade without indicators.some people use volume even though there is no one single exchange.some big players have computers that troll the internet looking at peoples picks;other people troll news using computers to make picks.a good coder can do all these things for right price.i am sure some traders use indicators and make money long term less than 1 percent. but i think traders should stay away from them. years ago when interests rates were high carry trades were just about bulletproof.for example there was 5 percent difference between nz/usd pair bank interests rates.who knows what grid and martingale methods that are being used to make money;with variables mainstream traders. know nothing about.all a trader needs is a edge to money just a little. one.if you worry about brokers costs and tricks use big stop losses and take profit. trades take longer though.
Member Since Feb 22, 2011   4573 posts
Nov 27, 2019 at 08:25
rickyb posted:
Are there secret forex strategies in the forex market? answer yes; from experience making my own ea;s robots;i have made 2-3 that i searched internet and found nothing even close to there must be people with secret methods.99 percent of trading methods use indicators for a start.indicators were started for sharemarket.i use candlesticks open/close combined with speed of price movement. plus price high and lows.there many ways to trade without indicators.some people use volume even though there is no one single exchange.some big players have computers that troll the internet looking at peoples picks;other people troll news using computers to make picks.a good coder can do all these things for right price.i am sure some traders use indicators and make money long term less than 1 percent. but i think traders should stay away from them. years ago when interests rates were high carry trades were just about bulletproof.for example there was 5 percent difference between nz/usd pair bank interests rates.who knows what grid and martingale methods that are being used to make money;with variables mainstream traders. know nothing about.all a trader needs is a edge to money just a little. one.if you worry about brokers costs and tricks use big stop losses and take profit. trades take longer though.

This user doesn't share any systems currently.
Member Since Nov 30, 2019   5 posts
Nov 30, 2019 at 04:25
jonathan89park posted:
does not take breaks

Member Since Apr 18, 2017   659 posts
Nov 30, 2019 at 06:31
Baazex posted:
For a successful trading career you have to work step by step first learning , create a plan , focus and stick on the plan and make sure its accurate and according to the risk management aspects

Learning is the key; no doubt on it! Besides, having a good trading strategy is very crucial; without having it the journey will be so painful!
Member Since Dec 15, 2019   20 posts
Feb 02, 2020 at 15:49
There are no secrets totally, just plain practice about everything. Can we make it possible or not? Let's talk to all other people that all of that is simply untrue no matter how hard they will try they will get only this in return anyway. Big thanks!
Member Since Jan 04, 2018   40 posts
Feb 02, 2020 at 17:16
This is THE secret to be successful on Forex !
I started trading on Forex 10 years ago.
At the same time i started learning how to code Expert Advisors.
Every strategy that i made , failed on backtests

It took me 9 years to write an EA that actual works.
I had to write 22.154 strategies to find the right one.
I made more than 500.000 backtests to find the right pairs.

So this is my advise.
Learn how to code your own ideas on Ea and one day you will be profitable.

The advantage of automatic trading vs manual trading is the backtest.
With manual trading you have to wait 1-2-3 months to see if it works.(and you ll never be sure)
With automatic trading you have to wait 1-2-3 minutes you can be SURE if it works
So time is money.. Invest your time wisely
do what you love
Member Since Feb 03, 2020   13 posts
Feb 03, 2020 at 08:20
Вместо того, чтобы искать "секретные" стратегии, попробуйте выяснить, как рынок действительно работает.
Стратегия как правило одна, меняется только тактика. Учитесь понимать рынок, учитесь вести среднесрочную игру или долгосрочную т.к. это выгодней, не большая шумиха будет вам не страшна. Выберите один инструмент или два, а не десять, изучите все его манеры, и будет вам счастье :).
Forex- это большая работа, не только с рынком, НО и с собой.
Member Since Feb 22, 2011   4573 posts
Feb 03, 2020 at 11:08
giannis posted:
This is THE secret to be successful on Forex !
I started trading on Forex 10 years ago.
At the same time i started learning how to code Expert Advisors.
Every strategy that i made , failed on backtests

It took me 9 years to write an EA that actual works.
I had to write 22.154 strategies to find the right one.
I made more than 500.000 backtests to find the right pairs.

So this is my advise.
Learn how to code your own ideas on Ea and one day you will be profitable.

The advantage of automatic trading vs manual trading is the backtest.
With manual trading you have to wait 1-2-3 months to see if it works.(and you ll never be sure)
With automatic trading you have to wait 1-2-3 minutes you can be SURE if it works
So time is money.. Invest your time wisely

While I agree with you about the principle, I can't agree with you about backtesting.
The right backtesting with tick data precision takes day or even weeks.
So you can't possible BT half million strategies.
Member Since Jan 04, 2018   40 posts
Feb 03, 2020 at 11:36
togr posted:
giannis posted:
This is THE secret to be successful on Forex !
I started trading on Forex 10 years ago.
At the same time i started learning how to code Expert Advisors.
Every strategy that i made , failed on backtests

It took me 9 years to write an EA that actual works.
I had to write 22.154 strategies to find the right one.
I made more than 500.000 backtests to find the right pairs.

So this is my advise.
Learn how to code your own ideas on Ea and one day you will be profitable.

The advantage of automatic trading vs manual trading is the backtest.
With manual trading you have to wait 1-2-3 months to see if it works.(and you ll never be sure)
With automatic trading you have to wait 1-2-3 minutes you can be SURE if it works
So time is money.. Invest your time wisely

While I agree with you about the principle, I can't agree with you about backtesting.
The right backtesting with tick data precision takes day or even weeks.
So you can't possible BT half million strategies.

There are software like FXCM Trading Station 2 and forex tester , that are much faster than MT4
do what you love
Member Since Mar 18, 2019   97 posts
Feb 03, 2020 at 13:54
Humberttim posted:
I have never seen one that works but I have seen traders that make money. They must be using some kind of secret strategy

the secret has to be risk management, climb profit ladder SLOWLY and also keep emotions in check. thats the hardest part for me tbh
Member Since Feb 03, 2020   13 posts
Feb 03, 2020 at 18:36
AdamCantor posted: Need to work on yourself.
Member Since Dec 19, 2019   61 posts
Feb 03, 2020 at 22:12
There are some signals you will notice if your trading certain pairs long enough that can help you ,sometimes they appear and sometimes they don't ,it's up to you to figure them out.
People write the Algos not robots
Bias creeps in behaviours repeats.
Strength and honor.
Member Since Sep 09, 2019   9 posts
Feb 04, 2020 at 14:56
togr posted:
giannis posted:
This is THE secret to be successful on Forex !
I started trading on Forex 10 years ago.
At the same time i started learning how to code Expert Advisors.
Every strategy that i made , failed on backtests

It took me 9 years to write an EA that actual works.
I had to write 22.154 strategies to find the right one.
I made more than 500.000 backtests to find the right pairs.

So this is my advise.
Learn how to code your own ideas on Ea and one day you will be profitable.

The advantage of automatic trading vs manual trading is the backtest.
With manual trading you have to wait 1-2-3 months to see if it works.(and you ll never be sure)
With automatic trading you have to wait 1-2-3 minutes you can be SURE if it works
So time is money.. Invest your time wisely

While I agree with you about the principle, I can't agree with you about backtesting.
The right backtesting with tick data precision takes day or even weeks.
So you can't possible BT half million strategies.

If your strategy takes 1 day to backtest then your code needs rewriting. No EA should backtest that slow.
Member Since Oct 25, 2019   27 posts
Feb 07, 2020 at 14:57
The strategy can be secret to you exactly until you have fully understood it or you have certain questions about its content or application in practice. Each of them has certain nuances, you just need to give yourself time and not be afraid to make a mistake. That's all.
Member Since Jul 20, 2020   172 posts
Aug 21, 2020 at 13:00
Strategies are useless if you don't have enough knowledge to use those strategies. So, gather knowledge first and then try to make money from this market with your knowledge.
Member Since Jul 19, 2020   310 posts
Aug 21, 2020 at 14:32
The secret of trading is within you. Any strategy is useless if you do not customize it according to your trading personality. You have to gather that much knowledge so that you can make your own strategy.
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