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What Are Your Golden Rules?
Dec 08, 2019 at 18:03
Member Since Oct 20, 2018
283 posts
Miralas posted:
My golden rule is to always keep calm. No matter what, I always think that it doesn't matter. This relly help, as I don't worry about fails and don't lose mind if I'm winning. That's the best way to be a good trader I think :)
Stone cold Miralas. 😉 Just a joke but you`re damn right.
Member Since May 13, 2019
24 posts
Dec 09, 2019 at 19:06
Member Since May 13, 2019
24 posts
The most important rule, which always helps in trading, is to keep statistics. And it is necessary to record not only profit and achievements, but also assets that have been used today, strategies, time, failures and so on. Maybe it sounds too difficult, but just when I started to adhere to such a system, success and stability came to my trading. And to be honest, I am ready to spend a lot of time on it, the main thing is to make money. By the way, as far as I know, a lot of traders also control the statistics in order to analyze the periods when it turns out better and when it turns out worse.
Member Since Dec 09, 2019
34 posts
Member Since Mar 18, 2019
97 posts
Dec 12, 2019 at 16:24
Member Since Mar 18, 2019
97 posts
Teejy88 posted:RISK MANAGEMENT IS KEY without it you cant expect an ounce of successAbderrahmane1992 posted:Teejy88 posted:
My one and only rule! Risk management, manage your risk and you will not fail.
I second that. Risk understanding is critical to trading. Without that even a good trader will lose all their money
Indeed, and not only that, it means that you can lose trades and still be profitable.
Nov 13, 2021 at 15:12
Member Since Jun 04, 2021
8 posts
I think that the main rules for me are: never rushing, always try to do your best, always make wise moves, never let your emotions get you down. This list is pretty vast, there are some other rules which aren;t major but I also should comply with them in order to become successful in trading activity. For example, comply with risk management and money management practices, even if you see that you earn a very little amount of money like couple of dollars per day, don't be disappointed. Everythng comes with experience and the amount of time which you dedicate to trading. That's why the main rule is never rushing, because rushing literally destroy you as a trader.
Member Since Dec 11, 2020
7 posts
Feb 05, 2022 at 12:38
Member Since Dec 11, 2020
7 posts
My golden rule is to be patient all the time. I try not to make trading decisions in a hurry. It’s advisable to think twice before opening a trade.
I try not to base my trading decisions on one timeframe only. I try to take into account all timeframes.
I try not to base my trading decisions on one timeframe only. I try to take into account all timeframes.
Feb 18, 2022 at 04:34
Member Since Dec 14, 2021
46 posts
Some of the golden rules of trading that I follow-
1) Do not risk more than you can afford to lose
2) Do not risk more than 5% per trade
3) Learn to minimise risk
4) Always have a trading plan and follow it
5) Learn to control emotions
6) Never stop learning and always backtest your strategies.
1) Do not risk more than you can afford to lose
2) Do not risk more than 5% per trade
3) Learn to minimise risk
4) Always have a trading plan and follow it
5) Learn to control emotions
6) Never stop learning and always backtest your strategies.
Feb 22, 2022 at 06:08
Member Since Nov 02, 2021
73 posts
Nakedize posted:
Some of the golden rules of trading that I follow-
1) Do not risk more than you can afford to lose
2) Do not risk more than 5% per trade
3) Learn to minimise risk
4) Always have a trading plan and follow it
5) Learn to control emotions
6) Never stop learning and always backtest your strategies.
Really good points. But I believe a trader should not risk more than 2% per trade. For every trader, protecting their capital should be the first priority, even more important than earning profits.
Member Since Jun 19, 2020
38 posts

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