I have Three profitable stratgies and need a programer

Apr 10, 2017 at 06:42
14 Replies
Member Since Aug 23, 2016   33 posts
Apr 10, 2017 at 06:42
I have three indicators that trade advanced patterns, I am looking for someone that can build these into an EA. If you are interested let me know and I will send you the indicators. The strategy is fairly simple because the indicators provide the entry signal, but I will need someone to program SL and TP based on fib levels. Thanks
Member Since Apr 10, 2017   9 posts
Apr 11, 2017 at 07:08
Hi Paul,

I can do it, nop. BUT: I do not program in MQL, I use an MQL bridge and all my systems are in C# on.NET plattform.

What is your budget?

Member Since Apr 11, 2017   1 posts
Apr 11, 2017 at 14:13
Hi Paul,
I Can do it in MT4. I use MQL4 program wrote more than three years.
Member Since Apr 10, 2017   9 posts
Apr 12, 2017 at 06:22
I can do it in MT4, too, but I won't.

Mt4 is not a good dev env for programming - simply too old. Look e.g. at Microsofts Visual Studio and you know what I mean.
I never would use MQL if I have to get things done on a budget.

Member Since Aug 23, 2016   33 posts
Apr 12, 2017 at 06:28
If I were to give you my strategies to program into an MQL4 program, I would not pay you your payment would be the strategy itself.
Member Since Apr 10, 2017   9 posts
Apr 12, 2017 at 07:07
And how do we know that it will be profitable?
(I assume it was profitable some time)
Member Since Dec 05, 2014   6 posts
Apr 13, 2017 at 14:13
Costarican96 posted:
If I were to give you my strategies to program into an MQL4 program, I would not pay you your payment would be the strategy itself.

this is faire,I think if the strategy is working, the price will be faire.
let's see what you got
Member Since Sep 16, 2009   188 posts
May 17, 2017 at 07:07
Hi Paul ...
Did you coded it ?
If no, I can do it for you in case I convinced it can work well. This is too important for me.
I'm a professional coder since mql3 ages.
You may check my own blog shown in my signature to see what I did in the past and currently
marketing them.
... oshaban ... skype: oshaban27 ...
Member Since Nov 11, 2016   1 posts
May 17, 2017 at 11:32
I can develop EA in mql4 / mql5 for free. Just let me know.
If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together
Member Since Feb 22, 2011   4573 posts
May 17, 2017 at 11:32
Costarican96 posted:
I have three indicators that trade advanced patterns, I am looking for someone that can build these into an EA. If you are interested let me know and I will send you the indicators. The strategy is fairly simple because the indicators provide the entry signal, but I will need someone to program SL and TP based on fib levels. Thanks

If you have clear rules regarding entry, exit, trade size and SL, TP
I can do this in one day.
Member Since Jan 05, 2016   1097 posts
May 24, 2017 at 13:07
Costarican96 posted:
If I were to give you my strategies to program into an MQL4 program, I would not pay you your payment would be the strategy itself.

If you have faith your "strategies" are going to be profitable, then you should pay a professional to do it, and not try to rip them off. Anyone capable of coding your "strategies", is probably capable of developing their own strategies and certainly don't need to give their services to you for free. You're basically looking for slave labor while you make money.


If it looks too good to be true, it's probably a scam! Let the buyer beware.
Member Since Jul 25, 2016   13 posts
May 28, 2017 at 07:43
Costarican96 posted:
I have three indicators that trade advanced patterns, I am looking for someone that can build these into an EA. If you are interested let me know and I will send you the indicators. The strategy is fairly simple because the indicators provide the entry signal, but I will need someone to program SL and TP based on fib levels. Thanks
I can do it for you
Member Since Sep 20, 2017   2 posts
Sep 26, 2017 at 06:32
Professional4X posted:
Costarican96 posted:
If I were to give you my strategies to program into an MQL4 program, I would not pay you your payment would be the strategy itself.

If you have faith your "strategies" are going to be profitable, then you should pay a professional to do it, and not try to rip them off. Anyone capable of coding your "strategies", is probably capable of developing their own strategies and certainly don't need to give their services to you for free. You're basically looking for slave labor while you make money.

AGREE 100%
Member Since Feb 22, 2011   4573 posts
Sep 26, 2017 at 14:26
Professional4X posted:
Costarican96 posted:
If I were to give you my strategies to program into an MQL4 program, I would not pay you your payment would be the strategy itself.

If you have faith your "strategies" are going to be profitable, then you should pay a professional to do it, and not try to rip them off. Anyone capable of coding your "strategies", is probably capable of developing their own strategies and certainly don't need to give their services to you for free. You're basically looking for slave labor while you make money.

It depends, if you see that strategy is worth it you can do programming for free
Member Since Aug 24, 2016   15 posts
Jan 04, 2018 at 08:05
Costarican96 posted:
I have three indicators that trade advanced patterns, I am looking for someone that can build these into an EA. If you are interested let me know and I will send you the indicators. The strategy is fairly simple because the indicators provide the entry signal, but I will need someone to program SL and TP based on fib levels. Thanks

I'll be happy to code it for you.
I have made many Ea.

Published ea that I made recently are

I hope we can be a great partner moving on ward
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