Agat-Fund (By Agat)

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Agat-Fund Discussion

Aug 17, 2011 at 20:00
28 Replies
Member Since Feb 02, 2011   7 posts
Jan 17, 2012 at 20:35
Could someone from Myfxbook explain if deposits made in the middle of the trade have the effect on the gain as described above by bobowang?
I've seen these allegations in other places but I would think that your system is able to distinguish between trading profits and deposits regardless of when they were made.

Could someone who knows what they are talking about please explain what causes such huge differences between gain and abs. gain?

I know deposits are one cause but in some cases we're talking few orders of magnitude and I just doubt someone deposited so much after making 5000%

Member Since Aug 17, 2011   15 posts
Jan 17, 2012 at 21:21 (edited Jan 17, 2012 at 21:22)

compounder posted:
Could someone from Myfxbook explain if deposits made in the middle of the trade have the effect on the gain as described above by bobowang?
I've seen these allegations in other places but I would think that your system is able to distinguish between trading profits and deposits regardless of when they were made.

Could someone who knows what they are talking about please explain what causes such huge differences between gain and abs. gain?

I know deposits are one cause but in some cases we're talking few orders of magnitude and I just doubt someone deposited so much after making 5000%


Very long to explain. Maybe someone wants to do it? 😄
Member Since Apr 04, 2011   23 posts
Jan 21, 2012 at 07:04
Hello Agat,
Well done this week! =)
Carry on!
Member Since Apr 04, 2011   23 posts
Jan 21, 2012 at 07:06
Что думаешь по поводу направления фунта в начале следующей недели? А то нездоровая ситуация на этой подарила мне просадку в 30% к закрытию пятницы :D
Carry on!
Member Since Aug 17, 2011   15 posts
Jan 21, 2012 at 16:41
Вообще, я по фунту не работаю. Но так как вы задали вопрос, отвечу. В долгосрочной перспективе пара фунт доллар пойдет еще вниз. Это мое субъективное мнение. И на него не стоит расчитывать серьезно. 😄
Member Since Apr 04, 2011   23 posts
Jan 21, 2012 at 16:44
Благодарю за это мнение! Я рассчитываю на технику, а с прогнозом согласен, и использую его для того, чтобы пережить беспокойство от незакрытой недели на своих счетах ;]
Carry on!
Member Since Sep 15, 2011   69 posts
Jan 22, 2012 at 20:36
regardless of absolute gain etc the real issue is the performance was flat then one spike and now you want to encourage people to invest, your a joker mate get some solid performance for a few months and something more stable, i see nothing here of value, ludicrous. and a 1:1000 leverage, whats up with that. why such a small investment if you want other to invest put your neck on the line. history is not that important the chat says alot, not an attractive pitch..
We are all faced with a series of great opportunities, brilliantly disguised as unsolvable problems - John W Gardener
Member Since Mar 28, 2011   942 posts
Jan 23, 2012 at 12:37
absolute gain = is the gain in relation to all the deposits. If its a pamm, each time an investor adds funds the abs will decrease to compensate the new funds. anyways the accounts at 33% equity. not much of a wow factor anymore.
Member Since Aug 17, 2011   15 posts
Jul 07, 2012 at 16:13
Уважаемые инвесторы.
Сегодня исполняется ровно год моему ПАММ счету Agat Fund
Я Хочу поблагодорить Вас, за то что Вы выбрали мой ПАММ счет.
И пожелать Вам больших успехов.
С уважением, Роман Агат.
Dear investors.
Today marks the year of my PAMM account Agat Fund
I Want to extended his gratitude to you for what you have chosen my PAMM account.
And I wish you much success.
Sincerely, Roman Agat.
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