Darwinex (By NKMW)

Gain : +166.47%
Drawdown 20.17%
Pips: 6445.9
Trades 913
Type: Real
Leverage: 1:200
Trading: Unknown

Darwinex Discussion

Dec 22, 2023 at 11:16
3 Replies
Member Since May 26, 2019   5 posts
Jul 15 at 14:42
Hi Petko i just wondering if you noticed that this myfxbook page is no longer updating?
Member Since Nov 09, 2023   1 posts
Jul 15 at 14:46
Hey sifisonhlapo,

Thank you for your message. It should be fixed now!

Thank you!

Kind Regards,

Member Since May 26, 2019   5 posts
Jul 15 at 15:33
Thanks for the fast response really appreciate it.
Member Since Jan 05, 2022   1 posts
Sep 13 at 11:48
sifisonhlapo posted:
Thanks for the fast response really appreciate it.
Hello Nikos,

I'm interested in the EA('s) which are used for https://www.myfxbook.com/members/NKMW/darwinex/10604194

Where can I buy these EA('s) and setfile(s)?

Kind regards,
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