NMi-Momods Night Scalper FxPig (By forex_trader_2825)
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NMi-Momods Night Scalper FxPig Discussion

Member Since Nov 09, 2009
129 posts
May 27, 2013 at 00:13
Member Since Nov 09, 2009
129 posts
ForexPro posted:
please update the account!
Yeah, thats what I keep telling myfxbook.
Im as interested as everyone else and would rather not have to log in to a VPS just check the result, which was a loss today. Usually the Sunday open is a good session for this system, it was very good last week when we had the demo running, but you know how murphys law goes.
Click on "report a bug" and let them know it isnt updating. Its been ongoing problem for many people using myfxbook.....for whatever reason myfxbook isnt using enough bandwidth.....so something is lacking. Its getting worse, not better.
How hard can it be ? Maybe NMI needs to crank up its own myfxbook style interface if myfxbook cant keep up with demand.
Cheers, Adam :)

Member Since Nov 09, 2009
129 posts
May 28, 2013 at 00:27
Member Since Nov 09, 2009
129 posts
ForexPro posted:
My accounts don't have this issue, they update to the minute..😉
Are you suggesting that Im trying to mislead people or delaying the updating to hide things ?
I wont, and I dont, one thing you and anyone else can rely upon from me is the facts of the matter.
This is a well known issue, when you use the login and pw method, see below 😉
Contact myfxbook and seek confirmation for yourself.
Cheers, Adam :)
Dear NewMillenniumInc!
You might have noticed our topic regarding an issue with MT4 auto update, posted a week ago: http://www.myfxbook.com/community/general/important-auto-update-issue/556831,1.
We've been trying to fix it for the past 2 weeks however with no success. After talking with several brokers, we've confirmed this is an update released by MetaQuotes. No broker has yet offered/found a possible fix - this issue hasn't affected only us but many traders using vps services and other similar services (as we're the largest publication service we experience the most disconnections) - our servers are being completely blocked which is why we can't update your account data.
We know that the auto update option is very important for you so we suggest talking with your broker about this.
At this time, if you're using the auto update option, you'll have to revert back to the EA/publisher method by going to the account's settings and clicking the "use the EA to update my account" link.
Myfxbook team.

Member Since Nov 09, 2009
129 posts
May 28, 2013 at 02:11
Member Since Nov 09, 2009
129 posts
ForexPro posted:
I suggested nothing! I don't know what you surfer guys smoke or sniff in down under... 😝
I'd suggest, at a guess, that surfers down under smoke pretty much the same stuff that surfers all over the world do !
But, aren't we smoking FX here and now ?
Cheers, Adam :)

Member Since Nov 09, 2009
129 posts
May 28, 2013 at 02:22
(edited May 28, 2013 at 02:32)
Member Since Nov 09, 2009
129 posts
Gendam posted:
I wonder why Momods NMIs Version go down while old Momod V3.02 stedy up..
Well, thats not entirely correct.
It depends at which broker.....some people haven't hit a single loser with NMi Momods version and made more pips with it than the old one.
Ive posted at Donna FX a more detailed reply on this that goes into finer details if you care to scroll through the posts.
Really, you have to ask yourself the question - do I have faith in Momods ? We at NMi do and so should you.
Cheers, Adam :)
ps: Gendam, by the way, the correct spelling of "folow" in your profile is "follow" - 2 x "l"s. I guess they need spell checker @ myfxbook !

Member Since Nov 09, 2009
129 posts
May 29, 2013 at 01:16
Member Since Nov 09, 2009
129 posts
snowy posted:
seriously? hunting for spelling errors? 🙄
anyway: what's the problem with using the myfxbook ea?
You are right Snowy, hunting for spelling errors, how petty, my apologies. Heck I know I misspell thing all the time in my lengthy comms, which I provide in an effort to best service clients.
I'm human and sometimes I falter and buy into pettiness when its bestowed upon me, when I should just rise above it. I'll strive to not get sucked down that vortex again Snowy.....most of the time I just ignore it.
So far as why we aren't using the myfxbook EA option for updates - that's easy - because its an absolute pain to make work as Im sure anyone who used it a fair bit will agree.
Using a login and investor password is much easier for the user, which is why myfxbook offered it I guess - the catch right now is that there's some issue with MT4 thats causing myfxbook grief............but whats new ?
Metaquotes frequently send out buggy versions to their clients which they use as guinea pigs (which is why we suggest you DONT update until you absolutely have to) and they are a multi million dollar company. Its disgraceful really, but they just do not care. At least NMI does care (so does the developer, MO) and if there's something amiss that we have identified, we immediately rectify it that day and advise clients to update.
We've toyed with the idea of building a trading platform that's free for brokers to use so we don't have to rely on Metaquotes the company to get their software right and its not costing the broker...........but the main reason that brokers use the MT4 platform is because its broker friendly - its a platform designed for the broker (and is why there are numerous plugins available to rob clients) versus platform for the trader (of which there are examples of, but not many brokers support them). Plus other technology is designed around it, which we also use, like MQlock (who are also likewise affected by the Metaquotes modus operandi).
The main reason for MT4's popularity, besides brokers liking it, is that its a very good fit for expert advisors/automated trading. The end user, you the trader, is not the main concern of Metaquotes the company - their clients are the brokers - that's how this business works.
Its not a perfect in which we live, compromises often have to be made.
Cheers, Adam :)
May 29, 2013 at 08:02
Member Since Aug 07, 2011
78 posts
besides your essay about crapt4 - i'am aware of the inadequateness of this crappy piece of software - it wasn't easy to find your answer to my question. you are saying it's a pain to make the myfxbook ea working? i'am using this ea to update all my accounts, demo and live and i don't see the problem. attach the ea to one chart, enter myfxbook username (email) and password, click ok. from there on it's working flawlessly, never had problems with updates. with the auto-update on the other hand i had indeed sometimes problems in the past, because myfxbook lost the connection to several accounts from time to time.
just try it, if you really want to provide your clients with an updated vendor-account. ;)
(an already existing account just has to be changed in the myfxbook settings first from "auto-update" to "ea".)
just try it, if you really want to provide your clients with an updated vendor-account. ;)
(an already existing account just has to be changed in the myfxbook settings first from "auto-update" to "ea".)

Member Since Nov 09, 2009
129 posts
May 30, 2013 at 08:55
(edited May 30, 2013 at 08:57)
Member Since Nov 09, 2009
129 posts
snowy posted:
besides your essay about crapt4 - i'am aware of the inadequateness of this crappy piece of software - it wasn't easy to find your answer to my question. you are saying it's a pain to make the myfxbook ea working? i'am using this ea to update all my accounts, demo and live and i don't see the problem. attach the ea to one chart, enter myfxbook username (email) and password, click ok. from there on it's working flawlessly, never had problems with updates. with the auto-update on the other hand i had indeed sometimes problems in the past, because myfxbook lost the connection to several accounts from time to time.
just try it, if you really want to provide your clients with an updated vendor-account. ;)
(an already existing account just has to be changed in the myfxbook settings first from "auto-update" to "ea".)
Now Snowy, I though we weren't getting petty ? My essay ?...here I was believing that it was an informative reply - keep in mind you're not the only one reading these posts.
In any event, we've used the alternate method so there will be no delays in myfxbook updating, unless its something out of our hands.
The main reason for our preference to the login and password, besides the facts its far easier and quicker to setup, is that we create quite a number of myfxbook link for our NMi 500 clients that are invested into our MAM (of which not one isnt in the money today). So it needs to be quick and easy. that runs a system not dissimilar to the Lollipop and FE Trend Scalper......the obvious difference being that it actually is making gains this year. Today was the best day its had actually since we opened the MAM.
http://www.myfxbook.com/strategies/nmi-superclimber-25-140513/40169 (backtest, open prices, 12 year period that nearly identically matches real money trades made)
http://www.myfxbook.com/members/NewMillenniumInc/nmi-super-climber-mam-axi/507666 (MAM including all risk profiles)
http://www.myfxbook.com/members/NewMillenniumInc/ste-lambo-18/531745 (aggressive client, 18% risk per trade, but you'll need to wait for todays update on this one, and it will be a doozie)
If you've any questions or if NMi can be of assistance to you in any way, please feel welcome to submit contact us via [email protected] or by submitting a ticket here http://support.new-millenniuminc.com/
Cheers, Adam :)

Member Since Nov 09, 2009
129 posts
May 30, 2013 at 08:58
Member Since Nov 09, 2009
129 posts
Hi Folks,
We we had a good day, 100% winning trades today on our FXPIG account after a rough start and quite a considerable amount of gains banked as reported by our EA. We've still a little hole to dig ourselves of, such was the luck of our entry into the system after it posted a good run, but I'm confident as I can be that the NMi Momods Night Scalper EA will regain new equity highs.
MT4 Crash
We've had some reports of MT4 crashes and the like. Its not a issue isolated to NMi either, Ive seen reports of the same issue being posted about the place.
Its caused by the currently unstable MT4 and MQlock combo, notably on under powered VPS's. A Standard CNS is rated at 384mb, that's not going to be enough, not even 512mb.
So we'd suggest that you increase the power of your VPS accordingly if that's readily within your means to do so. Briefly while on the subject of VPS's...
NMi Client VPS deal
A long time ago, NMi struck up a deal with Beeks FX VPS, whereby our clients received a 20% lifetime discount. Usually this is the commission that Beeks pay to its affiliates, but we're happy to pass on the benefit directly to you. Just let the Beeks FX team know that you are a NMi client, Gordon and his team will look after you.
In addition to powering up your VPS, if you simply cant for whatever reason, to help ease the load on the VPS you can do the following things ;
1. In your MT4 terminal, open "Tools" ... select "Options" ... select "Charts" and change "Max bars in history" and "Max bars in charts" to the minimum of 5000. This will considerably reduce memory usage by MT4.
2. Open your "Market Watch" right click at any pair, select "Hide All". This will stop MT4 of getting streaming data for pairs that you don't trade. This will reduce CPU and memory usage.
3. Do not run multiple instances of MT4 terminal or other software if you have limited CPU and memory resources.
You will be surprised on the amount of memory this will provide. Use Windows Task manager (or other tools) to check memory usage before and after those changes.
CRASH TEST RESULTS as reported by the developer :
"I lowered # bars in charts and history to 2000, hid unused pairs in market watch, Opened/closed MT4 terminal 10 times with EA loaded on 11 charts. Not a single crash :)"
So this seems the fix that is needed.
Apologies on any inconvenience caused to the users who experienced it, we'd like to think this will be last of the issue but we just wont know for a few days until/if any new reports come in.
Thank you for your valued support, please feel welcome to contact us with any support requests, question or comments on how we can improve our service to you.
Kind Regards,
Adam Liddiard and the NMi Team.
New Millennium Inc
We we had a good day, 100% winning trades today on our FXPIG account after a rough start and quite a considerable amount of gains banked as reported by our EA. We've still a little hole to dig ourselves of, such was the luck of our entry into the system after it posted a good run, but I'm confident as I can be that the NMi Momods Night Scalper EA will regain new equity highs.
MT4 Crash
We've had some reports of MT4 crashes and the like. Its not a issue isolated to NMi either, Ive seen reports of the same issue being posted about the place.
Its caused by the currently unstable MT4 and MQlock combo, notably on under powered VPS's. A Standard CNS is rated at 384mb, that's not going to be enough, not even 512mb.
So we'd suggest that you increase the power of your VPS accordingly if that's readily within your means to do so. Briefly while on the subject of VPS's...
NMi Client VPS deal
A long time ago, NMi struck up a deal with Beeks FX VPS, whereby our clients received a 20% lifetime discount. Usually this is the commission that Beeks pay to its affiliates, but we're happy to pass on the benefit directly to you. Just let the Beeks FX team know that you are a NMi client, Gordon and his team will look after you.
In addition to powering up your VPS, if you simply cant for whatever reason, to help ease the load on the VPS you can do the following things ;
1. In your MT4 terminal, open "Tools" ... select "Options" ... select "Charts" and change "Max bars in history" and "Max bars in charts" to the minimum of 5000. This will considerably reduce memory usage by MT4.
2. Open your "Market Watch" right click at any pair, select "Hide All". This will stop MT4 of getting streaming data for pairs that you don't trade. This will reduce CPU and memory usage.
3. Do not run multiple instances of MT4 terminal or other software if you have limited CPU and memory resources.
You will be surprised on the amount of memory this will provide. Use Windows Task manager (or other tools) to check memory usage before and after those changes.
CRASH TEST RESULTS as reported by the developer :
"I lowered # bars in charts and history to 2000, hid unused pairs in market watch, Opened/closed MT4 terminal 10 times with EA loaded on 11 charts. Not a single crash :)"
So this seems the fix that is needed.
Apologies on any inconvenience caused to the users who experienced it, we'd like to think this will be last of the issue but we just wont know for a few days until/if any new reports come in.
Thank you for your valued support, please feel welcome to contact us with any support requests, question or comments on how we can improve our service to you.
Kind Regards,
Adam Liddiard and the NMi Team.
New Millennium Inc
Member Since Dec 04, 2010
1447 posts
May 30, 2013 at 09:34
Member Since Dec 04, 2010
1447 posts
thanks Adam for the tips! I will have to take a look at this new MAM account...

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