Orion High Profit (By FXSalt001)

The user has deleted this system.

Orion High Profit Discussion

Jun 28, 2010 at 07:31
7 Replies
Member Since Feb 16, 2010   1305 posts
Feb 10, 2011 at 14:37
Is this some kind of joke?
"In trading, winning is frequently a question of luck, but losing is always a matter of skill."
Member Since Nov 30, 2009   135 posts
Feb 10, 2011 at 16:33
This is the perfect example why SL are needed. Some we learn this the hard way.
exquisite entries with calculated exits
Member Since Oct 18, 2009   212 posts
Feb 10, 2011 at 23:58
High five for putting it out there for all to see. Not many people would do that. All the best.
Member Since Oct 18, 2009   212 posts
Feb 11, 2011 at 00:42
Shucks, I've just realised that you are trading OPM. That is worrying. I thought you were a private trader.
Member Since Apr 12, 2010   17 posts
Feb 12, 2011 at 20:44
Patience, what is "OPM"?

On the side note, I read the description of this system, description is a total win.
Stay cool no matter the weather!
Member Since Oct 18, 2009   212 posts
Feb 12, 2011 at 21:24

pingvin posted:
Patience, what is "OPM"?

On the side note, I read the description of this system, description is a total win.

OPM = other people's money

Description is a total win? I just read the description so I am assuming that you are being sarcastic. They keep a fairly tight stoploss? If this account is indicative of a tight stoploss I wonder what would be considered a loose one?
Member Since Apr 12, 2010   17 posts
Feb 12, 2011 at 21:36
Thanks man! Yes, I was being sarcastic, lol, I had to read description twice and I almost fell of the chair laughing.
Stay cool no matter the weather!
Member Since Oct 18, 2009   212 posts
Feb 12, 2011 at 23:13

pingvin posted:
Thanks man! Yes, I was being sarcastic, lol, I had to read description twice and I almost fell of the chair laughing.

Oh, he he he - thought I was losing it for a minute there 😲 Nice to see someone else around with a sense of humour. They seem few and far between these days.
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