We have the strongest belief that without a proper Risk & Money Management (RMM) profile the trader will eventually fail in his pursuit to make a profit in the currency market place.

The RMM Robot 2.0 is a tool to help the trader to overcome this problem. It will guard the trading account according to the traders own "strategy" built into the RMM Robot.

Once the robot is started and running, no intervention is needed. He can relax and concentrate on his own trading activities. With this knowledge that his trading account is totally protected, he will of course preform better, without emotional stress and the result of this will give the trader an advantage in the market place.
The RMM Robot is run and executed on the cAlgo and cTrader platforms.

Watch a tutorial youtube video at or download a free trial version at https://rmmrobot.com
" Lock in the profit and minimize the draw down "