Victor (By victorbrigge)

The user has deleted this system.

Victor Discussion

Aug 04, 2010 at 07:41
336 Replies
Member Since Mar 25, 2010   190 posts
May 11, 2011 at 14:42
Thanks a lot Victor, i will request details by email.
Yeah i know my grammar sucks, I speak spanish. Sorry if something doesnt make sense ;)
Member Since Mar 03, 2011   13 posts
May 12, 2011 at 04:51
This is question for Victor : Would you sent me please your updated trading history please?? I have your history which ends 27.4. 2011 and little update would be fine :)
Very solid trading :)

email : [email protected]

Member Since Jan 28, 2011   22 posts
May 16, 2011 at 19:39
Guys, Victor won't trade the MAM till the target total raised funds is reached

If you are planning to invest in victor , please do now and pool with us
Member Since Mar 27, 2011   1 posts
May 16, 2011 at 20:20
what is the target total, and how much is minimum to start.

does the investment stay in the name of the investor, or is it in a victor company name?
Member Since Mar 25, 2010   190 posts
May 16, 2011 at 20:44
its a PAMM account at tadawulfx. 100K.
Yeah i know my grammar sucks, I speak spanish. Sorry if something doesnt make sense ;)
Member Since Jan 28, 2011   22 posts
May 16, 2011 at 20:56

victorbrigge posted:
Yes, I confirm.
Two partners work with me in two different brokers.

1. These guys orginized very fast everything for trading. I do not get in to details, so contact them directly. Here is link to MAM account:

Alpari is not ready yet. I am waiting for details from Alpari PAMM partner.

here is the tadawulfx MAM link Victor has posted for us

The minimum total investment for victor to start trading the MAM is $100K

The minimum investor account requirement is $5K
Member Since Mar 28, 2011   942 posts
May 17, 2011 at 00:22

forexma posted:
ForexScam posted:
He who hides information can not be proven right or wrong.

Hidden Broker and Hidden Comment fields. 😲

Large accounts with honest Brokers always displays their information for proper verification.

-There was once a member on Forex Factory who was highly praised and gained the communities trust over the years. Enough trust to manage accounts with over $1 million without knowing the members true name or to ever see a Real trading account or track record. Investors never received their funds and never heard from the guy again. He vanished without a trace and with all the investors $. ( Send $ to off shore bank, for me to trade. It's better than using PAMM at most brokers.)

Forex is a cut throat business filled with scams, lies, deception, and dishonestly.

For further transparency and to build trust with our community

1.) Display your broker
2.) Display your comments
3.) Update your account every 5 minutes for 1 week straight. Sharing your trades with the community for one week would make no harm. --- This can be a fabricated copy of MetaTrader allowing uploads of their own inputs.

I see your point and I have to agree you're right in general.
Anyway, what I cannot understand is how can you be scammed if you let a person with proven track record manage your account through a legitimate, well known and regulated broker. The only way the same person to win something if he's losing your money is if he's IB/affiliate for that broker and taking commissions.
Discovering similar scams is very easy - if the money manager insists on opening an account with a certain predefined broker through his IB/affiliate link it's certainly fishy.
So far Victor doesn't sound like the serial scammer to me but time will tell.

""The only way the same person to win something if he's losing your money is if he's IB/affiliate for that broker and taking commissions.""

Wait let me post that 1 more time..
""The only way the same person to win something if he's losing your money is if he's IB/affiliate for that broker and taking commissions.""

and now this - -- IB 800828

Now I clearly see a problem here. Does anyone else?
Member Since Jan 28, 2011   22 posts
May 17, 2011 at 07:10
you are wrong again!

The IB belongs to the site who are handling his small clients... I just checked with Tadawulfx to confirm this, I also know that the accurate guys require their customers to register through their IB link if they want to deal with their traders.

I have also did check on you and found YOU to be the scammer here
Member Since Mar 28, 2011   942 posts
May 17, 2011 at 08:09
Does AccurateSignal have a verified account on this site? No

is AccurateSignal a regulated Investment Fund? No. ( They say OUR BROKER"S ARE REGULATED") -LOL

Is AccurateSignal a Professional Hedge Fund as they advertise on their website? No

Can we find any information on the Domain Register? No - - ""See that Photo" -- I know this guy even with the fussy photo edit - -

He was on American Series called " American Greed" Watch it here -

I've added a screenshot from watching the hulu video to sum it up.

FXsavvy - You lack intelligence and the Due Diligence that should be required for you to "try" to POOL money together for some Scam Shop.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Member Since Mar 28, 2011   942 posts
May 17, 2011 at 08:11

fxSavvy posted:
you are wrong again!

The IB belongs to the site who are handling his small clients

its --

At least get something right...
Member Since Oct 18, 2009   212 posts
May 17, 2011 at 08:39 (edited May 17, 2011 at 08:55)
OMG, it's like a soap opera. Why would he put that photo on accuratesignal's website if it was easily recognisable given his fragrant history? Hahahahaha. Well it's given me a laugh this morning there Will. You should be a detective.

Gotta say, given what you've just outlined, it looks fishy to me. Very fishy.
Member Since Nov 18, 2009   708 posts
May 17, 2011 at 11:27
ForexScam posted:
Now I clearly see a problem here. Does anyone else?

Not sure if it's a problem, but funny anyway...
Seems that and belong to the same wa...wa... guys.
Open google and search for:

The trial includes all features listed under each version andunlimited support
by phone, email or online chat with a representative.

Oops. Text found on and on Probably the same company?
Before you invest, go and read the reviews on ForexPeaceArmy ... not so positive to say the least!

Good thing that they're offering FREE account management:
"sign up with the follow link and deposit,then U will get your Free Forex Account Manage Service all of your Life!!!"

Where? Here:
Click the big red "Free forex account manage service" and voila.

this latest link has the same "unlimited support from" offer and the images are hotlinked from ... right-click an image and check yourself. That's why I think they're the same wa..wa.. guys, yeah.

So? Scam or not? ForexSignal or AccurateSignal? Good or bad? Free management or not? I'll better wait for feedback from investors. I don't wanna be the first investor here.

And who is [email protected]? All these gmail addresses everywhere, nobody has a proper name@company email address here? 😁😁😁
Surround yourself with people whose eyes light up when they see you and who have no agenda for your reform.
Member Since Mar 25, 2010   190 posts
May 17, 2011 at 14:55
Nice work Will
Yeah i know my grammar sucks, I speak spanish. Sorry if something doesnt make sense ;)
Member Since Jan 28, 2011   22 posts
May 17, 2011 at 17:57 (edited May 17, 2011 at 18:08)
So they ran out of pictures and said "Hey! I have that old picture of mine still saved, lets add it on the website!"
And so they just added it eventhough it was shown on CNN and all over the news?!

(forexScam) man, if I lack intelligence then it would be actually sad if you consider your self with any intelligence!

You first accused them of signing the funds under their names, and when I proved you wrong and showed you
the MAM link you came up with this BS, and said that I lack intelligence for having a TYPO on my post. I highly doubt that you have a life! You seem to spend your full time signing in under MULTIPLE user names on this website and try to get peoples attention. I am sure that this is somehow your source of income.

and please do not deny the fact that you login and post with multiple user names on this forum, it has been proven already and someone has even dedicated a thread for this sometime ago.

I have emailed the Accurate signal guys and asked them to introduce them selves on this thread

Member Since Mar 28, 2011   942 posts
May 17, 2011 at 19:46 (edited May 17, 2011 at 19:50)
You really want to go there again huh? Ok FXSavvy. Here are my usernames:

And my old usernames were

pipinvestment - pipinvestment1 - bestfxtrader = And all of them stated Pipinvestment and Will Schaarrrand.
For anyone to think that I do this to make money is a blockhead, bonehead, cretin , dimwit, and dork. Isn't obvious why I do this?

I love trading. I've spent years learning how to trade and I continue to have a passion for trading even though it is the most difficult endeavor that I have ever faced. I've lost money, blown accounts, and failed as a money manager. However, I'm learning from my mistakes and I am growing as a trader and as an investor. From my years of experience, I have gained a vast amount of knowledge that most people do not have. I would like to share this knowledge to help others from following the mistakes that I have made as a trader and as an investor. As I have pointed out in this thread and many others, there are far too many FX related scams and there will continue to be as people look at the possibility of EASY Money and not the calculated risk involved. Several comments that victor has said can be easily be summed up as HUGE RED FLAGS with bio hazard labels printed all over them. Unfortunately, too many people here are blinded by the truth of my comments and continue to follow their ignorance.

If you invest with Victor or anyone involved with these companies, you are playing with FIRE and you will get burned.

I do not have the time to help everyone or to spot out all the scams, flawed trading strategies and all the BS Including brokers , but I know I can make a difference and I know I can raise the bar for Money Managers and the level of transparency that goes alongside. It's quite obvious that I have to deal with people that do not agree me or one's that try to point fingers at me. Bring it on. I have plenty of bravado to go around.

- As far as the image. Maybe they didn't have their own trading station with Dual Monitors and a telephone as they Require for New Money Managers to have. I really don't care why that image is there but after all it was quite Funny and it shows that the people running that website or so-called company lack the attention to detail and should be laughed at. Their company is also the same group running other FX scams as Speki pointed out, but for some reason you(FXsavvy) want to address the picture and not the hard evidence. So have these other members come join the fun. It won't make any difference.

I requested a live chat with this company while they were online and My first question was " Are you a real Hedge Fund" and of course I never received a reply. Maybe once again, they forgot that their website mentioned that on the bottom header.

Anyways, this questioning and arguing can go on and on. It really doesn't matter because Victor pulled his funds and made his system private the day that MFB made all public systems display their Broker. Also Victor has changed his word many times here and Now he is willing to trade a pool of $100k. I guess he couldn't get his full amount sent to an offshore bank for his Dukascopy Personal account as mentioned previously.( This wasn't accusing- He really said this Read the discussion before you make yourself look like a promoter) So say what ever you want and pull me into the spot light again.

Oh Fx Savvy - BTW - I work for all the TOP FX brokers and each time you say FOREXSCAM I make 22,324 dollars. 😀 And Fxsavvy is really one of my alias as I enjoy arguing with myself 😇
Member Since Feb 16, 2010   1305 posts
May 18, 2011 at 07:19 (edited May 18, 2011 at 07:19)
Thumbs up for Will. Now it really looks fishy to me.
"In trading, winning is frequently a question of luck, but losing is always a matter of skill."
Member Since Mar 25, 2010   190 posts
May 18, 2011 at 18:37
They reply very fast to my first email requesting details about PAMM account. I send a second email with more serius questions requesting: investor password, mt4 stats uptaded, etc. until now no answer, one week ago.

FxSavvy may would publish his account here for us, after a few months of trading will have no trouble finding new investors.

Yeah i know my grammar sucks, I speak spanish. Sorry if something doesnt make sense ;)
Member Since Oct 18, 2009   212 posts
May 18, 2011 at 22:46

fxSavvy posted: I have emailed the Accurate signal guys and asked them to introduce them selves on this thread

Looks like they are rushing to introduce themselves. I'd like to know why they have that photo on their website?

So have you invested with them?

Anyone else want to admit to putting money into this?
Member Since Oct 18, 2009   212 posts
May 21, 2011 at 13:21
Waiting, waiting ....... c'mon Accurate signals ..... come and introduce yourselves.
Member Since May 17, 2011   12 posts
May 21, 2011 at 18:09 (edited May 21, 2011 at 18:18)
Dear Folks,

The objective of this letter is to clarify some issues that might have caused a misunderstanding to the community. Firstly allow me to introduce who we are. We are a small privately funded company providing managed account services in the foreign exchange market. We are dedicated to serving our clients in the utmost professional manner and operate the business with strong ethical values. We have a team of responsible & experienced traders to manage our clients’ funds. We call our traders fund managers because they manage our clients’ accounts and the account volume ranges from $5,000 up to about $100,000. We have a registered company name called Accurate Resource Management and we are located both in Singapore and Malaysia. We started off as a small signal service and over the years we have transformed our business to a fund management service. That is why our web address is named as and now we are progressing to because our business model has changed.

As for me, my name is Gary Lee and I am the business coordinator for this fund management website. I hold a bachelor’s science Degree in Information Technology & Business Administration.

We apologize for some misinformation printed on our website. We currently have a small team thus manpower has to be managed optimally. There are limited resources spent on maintaining our website because most of our efforts are concentrated in trading and managing clients’ accounts. In regards to the photo posted on our website earlier, the previous web designer that we hired copied the photo by ignorance from Google and posted it on our website not knowing that he is an American criminal. When this came to our attention, our team immediately deleted the picture and we will try to keep our site’s information as relevant and updated as possible. We will soon be publishing our team members’ photos and their respective job responsibilities behind accurate management to display trust and sincerity to our customers.

In regards to regulations, please take note that top brokerage firms do not need their money managers to be regulated and furthermore we are not running a brokerage firm who takes the client’s deposit. However we will pursue and meet any necessary regulations available along the way while building this business.

How do we manage our client’s funds? We manage our client’s personal account as well as their company’s account with a few different trading/investment strategies. We have multiple trading strategies and we apply the best trading strategy to our client’s trading account, one at a time and monitor the progress of that strategy. If the performance drops below our requirements we will switch to another strategy which we think will work best at any current point in time. However, before we do any switching, we will first seek our client’s approval. Every agreement is documented in black and white.

I’ve read some comments posted on the thread saying that we are a scam. My question is how are we a scam if we do not take the client’s deposit directly? What is a scam by the way? From the definition of MacMillan dictionary a scam is “a dishonest plan, especially for getting money” and “to get money from someone by tricking them”. We do not have intention to do either for we are running a genuine fund management business that we plan to expand in the long term. For reassurance there are a few ways to prove that we are not a scam:

1) Firstly, your hard earned money is deposited directly to the regulated broker's account and NOT into our account, and there is no way for us to get your money. Therefore your money is 100% protected by the licensed broker and you are the only person who is authorized to make any withdrawal.

2) All trading activities are transparent and you are allowed to monitor our trades 24/7 on your account. You can also choose to terminate our services anytime if you are not satisfied with our performance (even during the trial period)

3) What else are investors are afraid of besides losing their deposit to a scam shop? Losing their money because of our careless trading? Our management team understands the worries faced by the investors. Therefore in order to gain their trust is to prove that we can trade with consistency. So we give out a free 1-2 month(s) trial period to first test our trading expertise. If we are trading badly, clients can terminate our services immediately without any conditions. So during the trial period, we will be trading with very small lot sizes on your account and it will not harm the client’s account. For example from 0.01 to 0.10 lot size on a $10,000 account balance with about 4 trades per day. So even with small lot sizes set on the account, at the end of the month our trade performance can be measured by its consistency, profit factor, risk/reward ratio, winning percentage, gross profit, gross loss, average win pips, total trades executed per month and so on. It has pretty much the same ratio as it applies to bigger lot sizes. Once the client is comfortable with our trading style and its performance, we shall gradually increase the lot sizes on the account with their prior approval in a black and white agreement. We need our clients to acknowledge every black and white agreement in case of any disputes.

4) We have all the legal Power Of Attorney agreement prepared by the brokerage firms before an account can be managed by us.

5) We are working with AlpariUK and BFMN brokers as well, so if there’s any rebate taken from each trade, the percentage will be stated clearly on the POA agreement.

Can you find any information on the Domain Register? The answer is YES. We have enabled the privacy protection from our domain provider to show our sincerity to our clients. You can find our information on following sites:

There is a telephone number stated on the whois, however, we will appreciate if you do not call us unless it is urgent for we are supporting our clients through Skype, Email, Live Chat and SMS. If you really wish to call us we can be best reached at 1:00pm - 6:00pm at +8 GMT. If we are away, drop us an email and our representative will attend to you as soon as possible.

I have listed a few references below with their names and details that are from the regulated firms. They have acknowledged our fund management service and we are working closely with them. You can call them directly and speak with their representative if you wish.

Brokerage Firm: Tadawul FX Ltd
Representative Name: Demetriou Vassos
Position: Account Manager
Email Address: [email protected]
Main Switchboard: +357 25 200 900
Direct Line: +357 25 200 921
Fax Line: +357 25 37 37 83

Brokerage Firm: Ava Financial Ltd
Representative Name: Roy Aaron
Position: Senior Account Analyst
Email Address: [email protected]
Main: +1-212-941-9609
Singapore: +65 800 1205170

Brokerage Firm: AvaFX Financial Ltd
Representative Name: Bettina Von Pressentin
Position: Affiliate Manager
Email Address: [email protected]
PH: +1 (212) 941-9609 Ext. 273
FX: +1 (646) 335-0333

Thank you for your time and effort in reading my thread. Please contact me if you need any clarification. Have a nice day.

Kind Regards,
Gary Lee
Business Coordinator
Accurate Fund Management

Skype Contact:
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