Ai Trading Hub - 1501816

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Real (GBP), Vantage Markets , Technical , Automated , 1:500 , MetaTrader 5

Drawdown: 33.77%

Balance: £22,766.54
Equity: (89.34%) £22,483.77
Highest: (Aug 16) £25,318.81
Profit: £3,486.30
Interest: -£388.44

Deposits: £22,400.00
Withdrawals: £714.78

Updated 11 hours ago
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Gain (Difference) Profit (Difference) Pips (Difference) Win% (Difference) Trades (Difference) Lots (Difference)
Today - - - - - -
This Week - - - - - -
This Month +0.00% (-0.75%) £0.00 (-£187.25) +0.0 (+312.4) 0% (-77%) 0 (-159)
This Year +15.77% ( - ) £3,486.30 ( - ) +446.7 ( - ) 78% ( - ) 1,462 ( - )
Data is private.
Trades: 1,462
Pips: 446.7
Average Win: 8.24 pips / £8.55
Average Loss: -29.05 pips / -£20.45
Lots :
Commissions: -£551.88
Longs Won: (532/668) 79%
Shorts Won: (619/794) 77%
Best Trade (£): (Jul 19) 1,004.15
Worst Trade (£): (Jul 19) -274.03
Best Trade (Pips): (Jul 19) 68.3
Worst Trade (Pips): (Jul 19) -293.3
Avg. Trade Length: 16h 27m
Profit Factor: 1.55
Standard Deviation: £45.494
Sharpe Ratio 0.05
Z-Score (Probability): -7.75 (99.99%)
Expectancy 0.3 Pips / £2.38
AHPR: 0.01%
GHPR: 0.01%
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Data includes last 200 transactions based on the analysed history.
Data includes last 200 transactions based on the analysed history.

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Account USV