
Trading style
We have created a balanced, diversified, and long-term sustainable investment model focused on absolute return with a clearly defined level of risk.

Evaluation of risk is crucial part of daily business. We prefer consistency rather than absolute return. Elder&Custodians has developed internal metrics in order to quantify risk and also to be able to automatically reduce taken risk.

Our portfolios consist of different types of strategies, which are combined to achieve quality diversification within the whole fund. Compared to traditional investment models, we can minimize drawdowns and increase returns.

We apply our automated trading strategies to a wide range of marketable assets in the financial markets, which we constantly monitor and evaluate. This is what allows us to manage assets efficiently.

A professional team of analysts, developers and market and risk management specialists take care of the constant monitoring of our trading algorithms and portfolios as well as risk management.
Common goal isn’t only to profit but also to outperform.


Systems by ElderCustodians

Name Gain Drawdown Pips Trading Leverage Type
ElderCus 506.08% 14.55% 118444.8 Automated 1:200 Real
Triangel 89.06% 22.65% 15731.6 Automated 1:200 Real
ElderCus crypto 189.37% 20.03% 262621.6 Automated 1:200 Real
ElderCus Individual 23.28% 18.00% 280736.5 - 1:100 Real
Globfolio Fund 10.16% 12.04% 31852.0 Automated 1:100 Real
ElderCus momentum portfolio 111.50% 22.59% 571994.4 Automated 1:200 Real
Delphic Capital Fund 2.87% 1.25% 4082.3 - 1:500 Real

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