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Real (USD), IC Markets , 1:1000 , MetaTrader 4

Drawdown: 57.19%

Balance: $793.16
Equity: (76.79%) $609.03
Highest: (Dec 15) $794.96
Profit: $484.64
Interest: -$109.86

Deposits: $867.30
Withdrawals: $558.78

Updated 4 hours ago
Tracking 0
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Gain (Difference) Profit (Difference) Pips (Difference) Win% (Difference) Trades (Difference) Lots (Difference)
Today - - - - - -
This Week +0.00% (-1.38%) $0.00 (-$10.79) +0.0 (-85.3) 0% (-100%) 0 (-2) 0.00 (-0.04)
This Month +4.03% (-8.35%) $30.69 (-$50.89) +172.9 (-7.8) 83% (+7%) 6 (-11) 0.13 (-0.35)
This Year +106.16% (+91.01%) $389.24 (+$293.84) +1,262.1 (+1,007.3) 71% (+11%) 108 (+55) 2.63 (+1.86)
Data is private.
Trades: 161
Pips: 1,516.9
Average Win: 48.11 pips / $9.78
Average Loss: -71.68 pips / -$11.18
Lots : 3.40
Commissions: -$23.80
Longs Won: (39/57) 68%
Shorts Won: (70/104) 67%
Best Trade ($): (Aug 07) 80.51
Worst Trade ($): (Aug 07) -55.36
Best Trade (Pips): (Aug 07) 254.6
Worst Trade (Pips): (Aug 07) -395.5
Avg. Trade Length: 8d
Profit Factor: 1.83
Standard Deviation: $15.66
Sharpe Ratio 0.02
Z-Score (Probability): -10.30 (99.99%)
Expectancy 9.4 Pips / $3.01
AHPR: 0.52%
GHPR: 0.28%
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Data includes last 200 transactions based on the analysed history.
Data includes last 200 transactions based on the analysed history.
Open Date Symbol Action Lots Open Price SL
Pips Swap Gain
08.02.2024 04:45 EURUSD Sell 0.02 1.07935 -65.22 -326.1 2.4 -7.92%
08.09.2024 02:00 EURUSD Sell 0.03 1.09187 -60.27 -200.9 3.22 -7.19%
08.21.2024 04:31 GBPAUD Sell 0.02 1.93258 -28.39 -209.7 -3.73 -4.05%
08.23.2024 01:00 EURUSD Sell 0.05 1.11114 -4.10 -8.2 3.47 -0.08%
09.06.2024 16:00 GBPAUD Sell 0.03 1.95721 7.44 36.6 -2.35 +0.64%
09.10.2024 07:13 NZDCAD Sell 0.02 0.8336 -17.96 -122.2 -0.57 -2.34%
09.10.2024 11:01 USDCAD Sell 0.02 1.35706 -5.12 -34.8 -0.88 -0.76%
09.18.2024 09:01 EURGBP Buy 0.02 0.84487 -10.22 -38.7 -0.38 -1.34%
Total: 0.21 -$183.84 -904.0 1.18 -23.04%

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Account USV