DTT Ayman live1

User Image
Real (USD), Direct Trading Technologies , Technical , Automated , 1:400 , MetaTrader 4

Drawdown: 19.90%

Balance: $2,675.93
Equity: (99.37%) $3,205.55
Highest: (Sep 13) $3,225.93
Profit: $590.93
Interest: $0.00

Deposits: $2,635.00
Withdrawals: $0.00

Updated 1 Hour ago
Tracking 0
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Gain (Difference) Profit (Difference) Pips (Difference) Win% (Difference) Trades (Difference) Lots (Difference)
Today +0.00% (-1.03%) $0.00 (-$32.77) +0.0 (-68.6) 0% (-75%) 0 (-4) 0.00 (-0.08)
This Week +0.00% (-2.05%) $0.00 (-$64.72) +0.0 (-280.8) 0% (-85%) 0 (-7) 0.00 (-0.12)
This Month +2.05% (-10.03%) $64.72 (-$275.90) +280.8 (+14.6) 85% (+30%) 7 (-11) 0.12 (-0.74)
This Year +22.53% ( - ) $590.93 ( - ) +907.1 ( - ) 61% ( - ) 42 ( - ) 1.41 ( - )
% progress
No Daily Goals.
% progress
No Weekly Goals.
% progress
No Monthly Goals.
% progress
No Yearly Goals.
Trades: 42
Pips: 907.1
Average Win: 64.88 pips / $26.46
Average Loss: -48.73 pips / -$6.06
Lots : 1.41
Commissions: $0.00
Longs Won: (15/18) 83%
Shorts Won: (11/24) 45%
Best Trade ($): (Aug 29) 227.20
Worst Trade ($): (Aug 29) -14.72
Best Trade (Pips): (Jul 11) 109.6
Worst Trade (Pips): (Aug 29) -145.7
Avg. Trade Length: 11d
Profit Factor: 7.09
Standard Deviation: $38.484
Sharpe Ratio 0.37
Z-Score (Probability): -2.42 (99.99%)
Expectancy 21.6 Pips / $14.07
AHPR: 0.49%
GHPR: 0.48%
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Data includes last 200 transactions based on the analysed history.
Data includes last 200 transactions based on the analysed history.
Open Date Symbol Action Lots Open Price SL
Pips Swap Gain
09.10.2024 16:52 EURUSD Sell 0.01 1.10203 - 37.7 -10.60 -106.0 0.0 -0.40%
09.12.2024 21:15 EURUSD Sell 0.01 1.10573 - 0.7 -6.90 -69.0 0.0 -0.26%
09.13.2024 10:57 EURUSD Sell 0.02 1.10931 - 35.1 -6.64 -33.2 0.0 -0.25%
09.13.2024 12:40 EURUSD Buy 0.01 1.10992 - 106.1 2.48 24.8 0.0 +0.09%
09.16.2024 15:30 EURUSD Sell 0.04 1.11295 - 71.5 1.28 3.2 0.0 +0.05%
Total: 0.09 -$20.38 -180.2 0.00 -0.77%

Other Systems by ayman30

Name Gain Drawdown Pips Trading Leverage Type
Seham USD news Strategy32 -59.31% 63.68% -619.5 Automated 1:200 Demo
Fahad MACD strategy v15 100.11% 54.28% 12,642.7 Automated 1:200 Demo
Fxdd Ayman Live3 - old 1,402.92% 92.30% 18,482.7 Automated 1:500 Real
Fahad MACD v25 -97.60% 99.15% -2,099.4 Automated 1:200 Demo
XM Ayman Live1 -99.90% 75.92% 9,484.9 Automated 1:200 Real
Fxdd Ayman Live4 -99.90% 91.15% -3,510.4 Automated 1:500 Real
XM Ayman Live2 -99.69% 99.93% -451.1 Automated 1:200 Real
Mudafat11-Second Time 29.60% 86.23% 3,305.1 Automated 1:500 Demo
FBS Ayman Live1 10.09% 97.61% 5,672.2 Automated 1:200 Real
Fxdd AboAli Live1 15.05% 49.26% 283.6 Automated 1:500 Real
Mudafat12 -99.90% 45.19% -3,326.8 Automated 1:500 Demo
Fahad MACD v24M -84.18% 63.14% 4,919.4 Automated 1:500 Demo
Equiti Fahad Live1 23.07% 34.78% 1,285.5 Automated 1:500 Real
Equiti Fahad Live3 27.19% 24.33% 1,112.2 - 1:500 Real
Fahad MACD v24M New -99.90% 99.93% -4,266.9 Automated 1:500 Demo
Fahad MACD Strategy v26UPDNTrend -80.38% 86.07% 7,410.6 Automated 1:500 Demo
Fahad MACD strategy v27 -99.90% 41.31% -4,641.0 Automated 1:500 Demo
Fxdd Ayman Live3 2,246.34% 88.05% 24,619.5 Automated 1:500 Real
Fxdd Ayman Live2 3,004.18% 85.46% 25,795.5 Automated 1:500 Real
Fxdd Ummi Live1 -99.64% 99.89% 377.6 Automated 1:500 Real
Fxdd Saeed Live1 396.20% 80.40% 10,926.9 Automated 1:500 Real
Fxdd HBringi Live1 -93.02% 56.36% 896.0 Automated 1:500 Real
Fxdd Essam Live1 7.56% 95.75% -557.8 Automated 1:500 Real
Fxdd Zainab Live1 -98.95% 99.73% 198.9 Automated 1:500 Real
Fxdd Talal Live1 401.90% 73.62% 12,462.7 Automated 1:500 Real
Fxdd HMadani Live1 -99.87% 83.89% -2,481.6 Automated 1:500 Real
Fahad MACD strategy v27 new1 -99.08% 64.33% -5,219.9 Automated 1:500 Demo
Fahad MACD strategy v27 new2 -99.90% 99.93% -4,925.6 Automated 1:500 Demo
Fahad MACD v24M 250K -99.83% 61.95% -7,716.3 Automated 1:500 Demo
Fahad MACD v25M -96.54% 90.65% -7,521.1 Automated 1:500 Demo
Amana Essam Live1 90.71% 84.79% 6,758.6 Automated 1:500 Real
Amana Ayman Live1 -99.89% 99.94% -2,357.4 Automated 1:500 Real
Fahad MACD v28 part 1.90% 48.02% -8,563.5 Automated 1:200 Demo
Rosan12_Amana Home -99.90% 99.98% 4,784.8 Automated 1:500 Demo
Rosan12_Amana PIVPS -99.90% 99.98% 11,049.7 Automated 1:500 Demo
Fahad MACD v282 43.68% 54.15% 4,056.2 Automated 1:500 Demo
Rosan12_2_Fxdd LUHVPS -71.18% 20.03% 9,979.2 Mixed 1:500 Demo
Amana Fahad Live1 -99.90% 99.91% -12,942.6 Automated 1:500 Real
Fahad MACD v283 -94.49% 98.15% 361.6 Automated 1:500 Demo
Fxdd Ayman Live5 -86.89% 90.90% -9,948.8 Automated 1:500 Real
Rosan12_2_v2_Old_Fxdd LUHVPS 2.17% 2.97% 1,026.7 Automated 1:500 Demo
ROUSAN2_Ayman_Auto_Fxdd LUHVPS -99.90% 99.94% -23,966.1 Automated 1:500 Demo
ROUSAN2_Ayman_Auto_v2_Fxdd LUHVPS -99.00% 99.39% -20,856.8 Automated 1:500 Demo
ROUSAN2_Ayman_Auto_v3_Fxdd LUHVPS -28.54% 72.68% -3,388.2 Automated 1:500 Demo
ROUSAN2_Ayman_Auto_v4_Fxdd LUHVPS -86.94% 91.22% -12,815.0 Automated 1:500 Demo
Amana Fahad Live2 -82.39% 83.66% -13,461.0 Automated 1:500 Real
Amana AmroBakhsh Live1 -39.35% 92.09% -4,693.0 Automated 1:500 Real
RSN2_Ayman_Auto_v4_Fxdd 2K LUHVPS -64.99% 70.67% -12,924.9 Automated 1:500 Demo
Amana Bakheet Live1 -79.25% 95.39% -8,847.1 Automated 1:500 Real
Amana Befari Live1 21.98% 34.61% 1,907.4 Automated 1:500 Real
Rosan12_Fxdd 2K LUH2VPS -99.90% 100.00% -19,583.9 Automated 1:500 Demo
Rosan12_Equiti 2K LUH2VPS -99.90% 99.93% -18,529.5 Automated 1:500 Demo
Amana Khaled Live1 -43.00% 90.28% -1,373.9 Automated 1:500 Real
Fxdd Saeed Live2 38.06% 76.00% 2,475.9 Automated 1:500 Real
Fxdd Essam Live2 -89.84% 96.66% -9,123.0 Automated 1:500 Real
AlMesbahi Zone(2) Strategy v1 -74.65% 78.89% -1,694.9 Automated 1:500 Demo
RSN2_Ayman_Auto_v5_Fxdd 5K LUHVPS2 -99.90% 99.91% -19,672.3 Automated 1:500 Demo
RSN2_Ayman_Auto_Fxdd LUHVPS -98.45% 99.23% -18,198.5 Automated 1:500 Demo
ROUSAN12 MA Multy Orders Strategy -51.60% 73.34% -9,621.5 Automated 1:500 Demo
Fxdd Saeed Live3 20.18% 98.72% 1,340.1 Automated 1:500 Real
Fahad MACD Strategy v32 -99.80% 99.91% -8,503.6 Automated 1:500 Demo
Fahad MACD Strategy v31 33.17% 94.57% 340.3 Automated 1:500 Demo
Fahad MACD Strategy v30 66.74% 84.48% 4,474.3 Automated 1:500 Demo
RSN2_Ayman_Auto_v6 -99.90% 99.90% -3,243.6 Automated 1:500 Demo
Fahad MACD v35 -99.90% 99.91% -8,371.0 Automated 1:500 Demo
Mudafat11 3rd Time 614.45% 60.91% 1,654.8 Automated 1:500 Demo
Fahad MACD Strategy v30 Open 280.66% 93.25% 23,770.7 Automated 1:500 Demo
Fxdd Badran 5M Strategy v1 -99.89% 99.93% -617.4 Automated 1:500 Demo
Amana Badran 5M Strategy v1 -99.90% 99.92% -295.3 Automated 1:500 Demo
Fxdd Badran v1 - 2 -99.73% 99.77% -72.9 Automated 1:500 Demo
Amana Badran v1 - 2 -99.90% 99.90% -120.1 Automated 1:500 Demo
Fahad MACD Strategy v33 Open -99.80% 99.97% -4,523.2 Automated 1:500 Demo
Fahad MACD Strategy v33 Open 2nd -99.90% 99.97% -982.6 Automated 1:500 Demo
Fahad MACD Strategy v33 Open 2K -99.90% 99.94% -2,351.3 Automated 1:500 Demo
Fahad MACD Strategy v33 Open 50K -99.90% 99.98% 660.0 Automated 1:500 Demo
Ayman Fahad PSAR Strategy v3 19.84% 42.07% 3,137.9 Automated 1:500 Demo
Ayman Fahad PSAR Strategy v2 -99.90% 99.90% -16,166.0 Automated 1:500 Demo
mudafat11 New 10k 168.84% 42.53% 3,636.6 Automated 1:500 Demo
mudafat11 New 2k 213.89% 65.57% 3,274.5 Automated 1:500 Demo
Ayman Fahad PSAR Strategy v4 25.93% 94.03% 3,700.2 Automated 1:500 Demo
Badran 5M Strategy v1 -98.96% 99.88% -217.1 Automated 1:500 Demo
DTT Ayman Live2 23.07% 19.89% 1,004.5 Automated 1:400 Real
DTT Fahad Live1 3.79% 14.24% 236.4 Automated 1:400 Real
RSN2_Ayman_Auto_v6 2nd time -99.90% 99.95% 11,017.9 Automated 1:500 Demo
mudafat11 New 4K DTT 40.29% 26.02% 1,713.0 Automated 1:400 Demo
Account USV