SMA Test 6 Vol 10-35

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Demo (USD), Alpari INT , Technical , Automated , 1:500 , MetaTrader 4

Drawdown: 13.65%

Balance: $9,087.42
Equity: (100.00%) $9,087.42
Highest: (Sep 01) $10,522.36
Profit: -$912.58
Interest: -$22.72

Deposits: $10,000.00
Withdrawals: $0.00

Updated Oct 06, 2023 at 08:19
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Gain (Difference) Profit (Difference) Pips (Difference) Win% (Difference) Trades (Difference) Lots (Difference)
Today - - - - - -
This Week - - - - - -
This Month - - - - - -
This Year - - - - - -
% progress
No Daily Goals.
% progress
No Weekly Goals.
% progress
No Monthly Goals.
% progress
No Yearly Goals.
Trades: 49
Pips: -2,027.9
Average Win: 30.38 pips / $39.12
Average Loss: -79.51 pips / -$49.30
Lots : 5.53
Commissions: -$19.25
Longs Won: (11/22) 50%
Shorts Won: (6/27) 22%
Best Trade ($): (Sep 01) 196.10
Worst Trade ($): (Sep 05) -250.35
Best Trade (Pips): (Aug 29) 69.3
Worst Trade (Pips): (Sep 05) -271.5
Avg. Trade Length: 2d
Profit Factor: 0.42
Standard Deviation: $70.409
Sharpe Ratio -0.27
Z-Score (Probability): -2.46 (99.99%)
Expectancy -41.4 Pips / -$18.62
AHPR: -0.19%
GHPR: -0.20%
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Data includes last 200 transactions based on the analysed history.
Data includes last 200 transactions based on the analysed history.

Other Systems by h9612419

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LLG JV6 45 FTP Money SL pip 20.24% 15.82% 2,757.0 Automated 1:1000 Demo
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Oscar LLG Thurs Friday -2.26% 10.21% -214.0 Automated 1:500 Demo
Oscar LLG ALL Days -19.80% 19.80% -1,988.0 Automated 1:500 Demo
EA Goldstuff Test 1 10.24% 5.37% 9,758.0 Automated 1:500 Demo
EAGS LLG 3 7.90% 5.97% 34,233.0 Automated 1:500 Demo
EAGS NightHunter -99.88% 99.91% -13,504.0 Automated 1:500 Demo
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Flash JPY -17.08% 26.60% -429.0 Automated 1:500 Demo
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FFMM SMA FF21 Winnie 10266873 5.74% 17.19% 2,322.3 Automated 1:500 Demo
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Black Dragon Test 1 -99.90% 99.91% -44,667.0 Automated 1:500 Demo
Black Dragon LLG Test 2 -99.90% 99.90% -20,692.0 Automated 1:500 Demo
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Legend Wall CCY 72.61% 68.94% 1,498.9 Automated 1:500 Demo
Hamster CCY -99.90% 99.93% -7,026.0 Automated 1:500 Demo
Hamster LLG Test 2 -99.90% 99.90% -36,632.0 Automated 1:500 Demo
Hamster Test 1 1.38% 5.96% 12,348.0 Automated 1:500 Demo
Gold Edge Normal 0.69% 5.66% -4,577.0 Automated 1:500 Demo
Gold Edge Low Risk 4.09% 5.48% 9,218.0 Automated 1:500 Demo
Gold Edge AUDUSD 3.59% 1.94% 579.1 Automated 1:500 Demo
GBPJPY PD4 -34.80% 40.92% -414.5 Automated 1:500 Demo
GBPJPY PD5 26.92% 34.73% 853.7 Automated 1:500 Demo
GBPJPY PD3_5 21.22% 24.40% 403.9 Automated 1:500 Demo
LLG JV6 MK2 FTP800 30.96% 18.16% 8,076.0 Automated 1:500 Demo
LLG JV6 MK2 SSL -21.68% 42.13% 2,014.0 Automated 1:500 Demo
LLG JV6 MK2 SAR 15.14% 26.81% 1,620.0 Automated 1:500 Demo
SMA Indices Albert Stephen Set 75.22% 46.10% 7,605.0 Automated 1:500 Demo
Flash HS50 Test 1 10.15% 12.68% 2,299.0 Automated 1:500 Demo
Flash NQ100 Test 1 -9.90% 21.31% -481.0 Automated 1:500 Demo
Flash Nikkei JPN225 Test 1 0.00% 0.00% 0.0 Automated 1:500 Demo
Flash SP500 Test 1 36.39% 22.83% 2,488.0 Automated 1:500 Demo
Flash XAG test 7 BE 0.00% 0.00% 0.0 Automated 1:500 Demo
LLG SELL ONLY TS ON -3.04% 6.92% -3,378.0 Automated 1:500 Demo
SMA MStar STC PF D1 15 6 6 -10.76% 19.49% -1,602.2 Automated 1:500 Demo
Bingo Cat PV Test 1 1.63% 0.05% 249.4 Automated 1:500 Demo
Bingo Cat PV Test 2 0.99% 0.33% 178.1 Automated 1:500 Demo
Bingo Cat PV Test 3 0.49% 0.00% 67.5 Automated 1:500 Demo
SMA Vol Test 2 33.67% 13.02% 7,150.0 Automated 1:500 Demo
SMA Vol STC PF Test 4 3.20% 8.89% 949.7 Automated 1:500 Demo
SMA Vol BS Test 5 -8.02% 11.66% -1,478.7 Automated 1:500 Demo
Legend Wall CCY Final 0.57% 0.95% 15.1 Automated 1:500 Demo
LLG JV6 Mixed 20.32% 10.75% 3,943.0 Automated 1:500 Demo
SMA Test 7 Vol 35-55 -8.68% 11.22% -1,355.9 - 1:500 Demo
SMADRC 200 2.31% 2.20% 933.1 Automated 1:500 Demo
SMAC DRC200 0.00% 0.00% 0.0 Automated 1:500 Demo
SMADRC200 Vol60 BS -0.42% 1.87% 114.2 Automated 1:500 Demo
SMATest2 C 1.81% 1.66% 112.0 Automated 1:100 Demo
EAGS DAT 0.00% 3.65% -1,827.0 Automated 1:500 Demo
Flash CCY JS PD5 -27.02% 27.02% -136.1 Automated 1:500 Demo
Flash CCY JS PD3_5 -17.63% 22.75% -103.9 Automated 1:500 Demo
Flash CCY JS PD4 -15.45% 15.45% -83.4 Automated 1:500 Demo
Happy Max -99.90% 99.94% -4,702.5 Automated 1:500 Demo
Max Morning Gold 0.00% 0.00% 0.0 Automated 1:500 Demo
GoldEdgeNormal C10 -6.02% 9.92% -1,908.0 Automated 1:500 Demo
GoldEdgeNormal C2 -0.86% 1.28% -2,380.0 Automated 1:500 Demo
Flash HS50 Test 2 0.00% 0.00% 0.0 Automated 1:500 Demo
LWSCCY SL400 -4.30% 5.76% -1,078.1 Automated 1:500 Demo
USDCAD PD5 5.79% 6.98% 116.0 Automated 1:500 Demo
USDCAD PD4 19.72% 6.80% 566.8 - 1:500 Demo
USDCAD PD35 7.17% 8.52% 135.6 Automated 1:500 Demo
AP Bingo Cat Advance -22.53% 41.44% 205.0 - 1:500 Demo
AP Basic Test -1.57% 11.98% -124.7 Automated 1:500 Demo
EURGBP EURJPY GBPJPY (FL EURJPY Reverse ON) -1.67% 2.00% 20.5 Automated 1:500 Demo
EURGBP EURJPY GBPJPY LONG EURUSD GBPUSD SHORT 2.11% 1.71% 200.8 Automated 1:500 Demo
EURGBP Support Diff Lot Size R OFF -18.23% 19.82% -335.1 Automated 1:500 Demo
EURGBP Different Lot Size GBPJPY R ON -18.10% 19.97% -300.3 Automated 1:500 Demo
EURGBP EJ GJ Support Diff Lot Size PD35 PD5 4.62% 0.73% 17.0 Automated 1:500 Demo
Account USV