The Perfect advisory, and Strategical Trading Research Company.
Topskybot is a research company specialist in creating trading strategies and trading algorithms that can help a trader to optimize output.Topskybot is a global company with more than 3 years of experience with visionary leadership. The passion to see our traders success in Forex and the financial market drives us every day to consistently achieve our mission.

We are providing the following services:
• Indicator based signals
• Account Management/copytrade
› Trading Algorithm
• Only Gold/EurUsd signals

Telegram services live performance:

[email protected]

Trading style
Possible base strategy
Calculated risk with high reward


Systems by lilemy

Name Gain Drawdown Pips Trading Leverage Type
TOPSKYBOT GOLD EA 280.57% 36.22% 661577.2 - 1:500 Real
Topsky Edge 131.14% 34.76% 135466.0 - 1:500 Real

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