Reneesve23 (Demo FBS)

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Demo (USD), FBS , 1:200 , MetaTrader 4

Drawdown: 8.68%

Balance: $135,752.91
Equity: (99.42%) $134,960.80
Highest: (Dec 16) $135,752.91
Profit: $35,752.91
Interest: -$417.43

Deposits: $100,000.00
Withdrawals: $0.00

Updated Dec 22, 2020 at 16:45
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Gain (Difference) Profit (Difference) Pips (Difference) Win% (Difference) Trades (Difference) Lots (Difference)
Today - - - - - -
This Week - - - - - -
This Month - - - - - -
This Year - - - - - -
% progress
No Daily Goals.
% progress
No Weekly Goals.
% progress
No Monthly Goals.
% progress
No Yearly Goals.
Trades: 309
Pips: 2,592.1
Average Win: 26.58 pips / $242.40
Average Loss: -33.22 pips / -$174.08
Lots : 273.09
Commissions: $0.00
Longs Won: (111/145) 76%
Shorts Won: (104/164) 63%
Best Trade ($): (Dec 02) 3,721.30
Worst Trade ($): (Dec 02) -830.11
Best Trade (Pips): (Dec 16) 30.8
Worst Trade (Pips): (Dec 02) -117.0
Avg. Trade Length: 1d
Profit Factor: 3.18
Standard Deviation: $354.481
Sharpe Ratio 0.32
Z-Score (Probability): -8.12 (99.99%)
Expectancy 8.4 Pips / $115.71
AHPR: 0.10%
GHPR: 0.10%
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Data includes last 200 transactions based on the analysed history.
Data includes last 200 transactions based on the analysed history.
Open Date Symbol Action Lots Open Price SL
Pips Swap Gain
12.11.2020 21:30 EURUSD Sell 0.31 1.21206 -253.0 30.0 -211.11 -68.1 1.45 -0.15%
12.14.2020 00:16 EURUSD Sell 0.53 1.21416 -253.0 30.0 -249.63 -47.1 2.18 -0.18%
12.14.2020 17:40 USDJPY Buy 0.31 103.968 -253.0 30.0 -178.13 -59.4 -0.91 -0.13%
12.14.2020 18:10 EURUSD Sell 0.31 1.21296 -253.0 30.0 -183.21 -59.1 1.27 -0.13%
12.14.2020 19:05 EURUSD Sell 0.53 1.21506 -253.0 30.0 -201.93 -38.1 2.18 -0.15%
12.14.2020 23:20 USDJPY Buy 0.31 104.02 -253.0 30.0 -193.72 -64.6 -0.91 -0.14%
12.15.2020 15:30 USDJPY Buy 0.53 103.81 -253.0 30.0 -223.54 -43.6 -1.32 -0.17%
12.15.2020 16:02 USDJPY Buy 0.53 103.758 -253.0 30.0 -196.88 -38.4 -1.32 -0.15%
Total: 3.36 -$1638.15 -418.4 2.62 -1.20%

Other Systems by reneesve23

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Héctor Raúl -25.25% 53.33% 370.2 - 1:500 Real
Validación para The Fivers -20.93% 39.99% -244.9 - 1:30 Demo
Manifestación de la FINCA -15.05% 23.96% -1,501.6 - 1:500 Real
Ivan Lara -16.72% 23.98% -1,468.5 - 1:500 Real
Paola Sanchez -6.92% 11.10% -1,117.6 - 1:500 Real
Cuenta de Afiliados -35.21% 17.64% -1,156.3 - 1:500 Real
Erika -15.51% 51.89% -2,612.1 - 1:500 Real
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RAUL GONZALEZ DIAZ -39.77% 9.89% -625.1 - 1:500 Real
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Ivan Arroyave Pelaez -32.61% 70.36% -4,035.2 - 1:500 Real
Nilson -45.01% 50.50% -346.5 - 1:500 Real
COPY FX -76.95% 82.21% -328.0 - 1:200 Real
Account USV