Started trading almost 25+ years ago
Initially with stock trading moved up to warrants trading and then natural progression was to options and then futures lastly now into forex.

At present i am Introducing Broker with ACFX and Money Manager with Tallinex.
Trading style
Mostly scalping but other strategies are also incorporated into my real trading
sensible trading and live to fight another day.


Systems by shehnaz786

Name Gain Drawdown Pips Trading Leverage Type
Contest - shehnaz786 730.55% 72.58% 2943.5 - 1:200 Demo
Contest - shehnaz786 -98.47% 99.57% -260.1 Manual 1:400 Demo
Contest - shehnaz786 -98.59% 99.46% -101.5 - 1:500 Demo
Contest - shehnaz786 -99.52% 99.77% -9565.1 Manual 1:200 Demo
Contest - shehnaz786 0.00% 0.00% 0.0 - 1:200 Demo
Contest - shehnaz786 0.00% 0.00% 0.0 - 1:200 Demo
Contest - shehnaz786 735.03% 65.64% 2716.9 - 1:100 Demo
Contest - shehnaz786 -95.14% 98.76% -464.1 - 1:200 Demo

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