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Learning Forex Trading
New Traders
Aug 19, 2022 at 19:31
Training is one of the main things in trading. It's important.Because the result of good training is money. If you don't learn well, you lose money. Good training means money earned.It's simple.As for the minimum deposit.... $500 is a really good amount to start with.It might be better to do otherwise. Trade on a demo account for 1-2 weeks and then trade on a live account with a $100 deposit (If your broker allows it)This training will give better results because you also train your emotions.This is important.
Different approaches of trading
Aug 16, 2022 at 17:52
This is the freedom of our direction. Almost everyone can find something suitable. It's true. Especially if there is such a desire.
May 20, 2022 at 08:49
All my friends recommend this broker to me. They talk about high-quality services and vast opportunities. That's fine, but none of them know answer to my question :)I am already experienced trader and would like to attract investors to increase my trading volume. Can this broker offer special solutions for me?
Mar 10, 2022 at 08:33
I should say I don’t pay much attention to brokers. I hate digging deep in them, making difficult comparisons, drawing conclusions and other boring stuff. I just trade. I don’t wanna say that I’m too careless. I just don’t want to stuff my head with extra concerns and worries. I do a simple thing. I trade with a broker for a while and I discover that it allows me to withdraw money it’s genuine in my eyes. I never care about its license because it’s somethings lawyers should be concerned with. I’m not so smart to take into account multiple nuances. Inst...
All the successful traders
Jan 22, 2022 at 13:44
I quite agree with your words. Discipline plays the major role in trading. However, we shouldn't forget about other vital things which also affect your trading style and determine whether you will be a good trader or not. For example, emotional stability and good mental health. This thing always interferes plans of traders to become successful, because emotions control is considered to be one of the toughest techniques for a trader. No doubts, that there are some emotionless people by nature, but I guess there is a very little amount of such ones.Anyway, discipline is the foundation of tr...
Newcomers and demo trading
Jan 21, 2022 at 18:38
I believe that new traders have to start off from demo trading mainly because it will help them to understand what the market is and how to operate on the market. Basically, dmeo trading meets rookies with trading activity, moreover, it's free of charge, that makes this trading style unique in my opinion. No doubts, that sometimes rookies neglect demo trading because they're convinced that they can handle harsh conditions on the market on their own and as a rule they face unpleasant consequences of such ignorance. Trading activivity isn't about rushing at all. Traders must be patie...
Demo can not make you well experienced
Jan 20, 2022 at 20:52
Demo trading doesn't have such a purpose to make you well experienced I think. The main objective of demo trading is to teach you how to understand everything that happens to the market. No doubts, that sometimes people overestimate the essence of demo trading, as well as sometimes these people can underestimate the presence of demo trading. In my opinion, traders have to take it for granted, because it literally is the ticket to trading activity. Of course, some traders neglect demo trading because they are sure that they will handle the market on their own without any help or education....
Profit target?
Sep 27, 2021 at 20:27
Profit targets are quite subjective and depend on your trading strategy. I mean that scalpers can use very low profit targets like several pips, but I don't see fit in trading with so little profits. Swing traders' targets are bigger and I think that profit objectives should be connected to support and resistance levels.
Acquiring knowledge is basic
Sep 25, 2021 at 15:55
Knowledge is of utmost importance for a trader to make their results better but it is not the only thing, unfortunately. A trader should also be disciplined in order to implement the knowledge on practice. I mean that more often than not traders know that in some certain situation they need to wait and avoid trading, but their emotions are so strong that they open the deals because of the greed and usually lose the money. So, knowledge and implementation of the knowledge are two key things which you need to make your tradingprofitable.
Forex is not a bad business
Sep 09, 2021 at 18:47
I believe that forex isn't a bad business mainly because it potentially can help you to acquire some money in order to provide yourself with various needs. So, hence we can't state that it's a bad business. It might be bad only for those traders who weren't able to earn money at forex. For those who successfully trading it's not a bad business. For some of them it's a like an airbag in case they would lose their primary workplace, for others it's a primary workplace which they dedicate lots of time. So, here, everything is quite individual and I guess that every tra...
Feb 27, 2021 at 16:46
TeleTrade definitely looks attractive - from spreads from 0.2 pips to education for beginners and profs.The only thing I don't understand is, what is the system with the cashback? Is it profitable for large capitals?
To manage risk reward ratio
Dec 24, 2020 at 09:47
Oh, this is the hardest part of this job. And it's difficult to keep it under some kind of control. And you can be in some kind of emergency situation at any moment.Any moment. Any...
Dec 12, 2020 at 21:56
It seemed to me that this company has created all the necessary conditions for traders to adapt to the market as quickly as possible. Because it's especially important if one is just starting out in this business and needs some support. Among the most useful things that I found here, I noticed market overviews and of course, forex calculators. In spite of the fact that they have appeared recently, they have become an integral part of many traders' work, because they allow them to prepare quickly to work and to avoid some inaccuracies in the process of trading. And this is really import...
Bored in the Corona phase
Nov 24, 2020 at 09:58
It seems to me that at times it did not affect the quality of work at all, and sometimes the market looked definitely too complicated. A lot depends on what you use in your work.
Print Machine
Trading Systems
Oct 26, 2020 at 09:14
Anything can happen in the market.And you should always be ready for that, and that is why you choose a certain order size or certain conditions for your work.Each step must have a logical reasoning.
PoshTraders BTC and Euro Trading
Trading Systems
Sep 17, 2020 at 17:53
I am always glad when I see a good steady profit, but still the leverage of 1:400 cannot be considered universal, it can be a bit risky for a small capital. It is better to take your time before choosing it.
AAFX Trading
Jun 16, 2020 at 16:05
AAFX has really low fixed spreads, so I think if it's convenient for you, you can use them. However, I'm using variable spreads and can suggest that time, spreads around 1.2-1.5 pips, fast order execution, rare (really) slippages.
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