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We are happy with tegasFX as our Broker and PAMM-Provider for our Community. Fast execution, tight spreads and a good customer support are the most important keyfacts. We are looking forward to many more successful years.
Einer von wenigen
Ein richtiger A Book Broker mit deutschsprachigem Ansprechpartner, der schnell und lösungsorientiert agiert
We use 3 PAMM Accounts at tegasFX:
- Stable Income With Low Risk
- 24/7 Day & Night Scalper
- and a private PAMM only for our members.
We are a private group of swiss investors and recommend tegasFX as a fair and true ECN/STP broker.
Good broker which offers private PAMM, fast ECN/STP execution
since some time PAMM is available at tegasFX - for us it is the most professional platform we have ever seen.
i can only recommend it for all investors but also traders. i like it very much!