Signal Start
Signal Start offers reliable 24/5 email support and a refund policy, ensuring dependable service. Additionally, the white label option for signal providers comes at no extra cost, making the product both superior and cost-effective, continuously enhanced based on user feedback.
Admin dont let advertise on this thread this is why no one is stating which signals they are following.
for example charlesalan is following my trades you can PM him to ask details.
Very good.
There's a lot of comments in this discussion, but it would be greatly beneficial if all would list which signals they are subscribed to and are commenting about.
Thank you
I could not be happier at this point with my copy account making great money with small DD
Which signal exactly r u using ?
Great Place, Winning signal for real!
I cant access website since yesterday...sigalstart if you really cant manage it any more please let me know so I can find some another option. I cant be bothered with this stress every day.
I have followers and I cant keep on emailing you and on same time keep paying you 30% from my hard earn money.
Easy to use , Controllable risk .
It wasn't bad luck. The signal provider was shorting EURUSD when it was on a clear uptrend. His trades hit the stop loss in a matter of fifteen minutes. In one case, the stop loss was hit in 5 minutes. This was either extreme carelessness or deliberate sabotage.
I think you know what is going on. Don't pretend Mashallah.
may be its just your luck...you joined and every thing went up side down.
I signed up with two signal providers about two days ago. I chose these two with age at least six months and low drawdowns (less than 15%). One is currently making mediocre trades and the other one is making ridiculous trades. Previously both had a history of very little losses.
True one of my clients said same thing when he was following other providers.
There is a problem with signalstart provider stats. I have had signals that have lost huge money but the losses are not showing on their account. That is why people are saying that their providers are nothing like they signed upto. They have acknowledged that there is a problem and can manually update a provider if you email them.
lack of channels to get subscribers
great platform
Who are you copying? Never had an issue with trades not copying, but more so with finding the right providers.
Thanks again what great returns