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FXCM DEMO went dead
May 01, 2012 부터 멤버
Feb 12, 2013 at 19:41
May 01, 2012 부터 멤버
Hi all,
First time. had an demo account at fxcm.uk. out of no where in the middle of the trading day when all my algos are full stem ahead...
the line broke. for fxcm.uk iam an invalid account...
there goes all my stats for this year need to open new account bla bla bla...
any one with similar experiance?
First time. had an demo account at fxcm.uk. out of no where in the middle of the trading day when all my algos are full stem ahead...
the line broke. for fxcm.uk iam an invalid account...
there goes all my stats for this year need to open new account bla bla bla...
any one with similar experiance?

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