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Is Excel Market contest rigged?
Sep 19, 2013 at 21:58
May 03, 2013 부터 멤버
Hey everyone ,
I recently participated in the contest hosted by Myfxbook " Excel markets ". From time to time, i like to check participated and blow up accounts and how many are they and what was the instruments that caused such a faliure. Sure i couldn't help noticing how accounts where either deep shorts or deep long on a pair or two , which is some how a red flag. ( a second hedge account )
During my random observation, i came a cross that account - which its data doesn't add up. I'm attaching both the link and the history data. http://www.myfxbook.com/members/nedostoev_av/contest-nedostoev-av/682067
You will notice that the sliver trade was opened after nearly the account equity materilized a negative balance by -2 % ! So , how the hell that trade took place with negative balanced?
I hope i'm mistaken
I recently participated in the contest hosted by Myfxbook " Excel markets ". From time to time, i like to check participated and blow up accounts and how many are they and what was the instruments that caused such a faliure. Sure i couldn't help noticing how accounts where either deep shorts or deep long on a pair or two , which is some how a red flag. ( a second hedge account )
During my random observation, i came a cross that account - which its data doesn't add up. I'm attaching both the link and the history data. http://www.myfxbook.com/members/nedostoev_av/contest-nedostoev-av/682067
You will notice that the sliver trade was opened after nearly the account equity materilized a negative balance by -2 % ! So , how the hell that trade took place with negative balanced?
I hope i'm mistaken
if you stand to lose nothing, you ought to lose everything

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