KonokaSystem V3

Aug 20, 2015 at 02:48
339 개의 뷰
1 Replies
Jun 07, 2010 부터 멤버   게시물6
Aug 20, 2015 at 02:48
A short description of the accounts trading method

Current setting

Asian time scalping_EA (KonokaSystem V3)
It is very simple EA which programed the strategy of the manual trade.
currency: Major currency of EURUSD,USDJPY,GBPUSD,EURGBP
Leverage: 1:100
Broker: (DMA or True_ECN)/STP

----- Risk management -----
Inspection: BackTest for the past 10 years
Main EXIT: Technical index, drive rate 90% (70% - 80% of winning rate)
Sub EXIT: SL 22pip, drive rate 10%
Friday: True or False(The present is True)
The monthly profit is 8% - 20%
Average MaxDD 10% (10 years)
A system stop level: 40%
Safety first.
Jun 07, 2010 부터 멤버   게시물6
Aug 21, 2015 at 09:11
konoka posted:
A short description of the accounts trading method

Current setting

Asian time scalping_EA (KonokaSystem V3)
It is very simple EA which programed the strategy of the manual trade.
currency: Major currency of EURUSD,USDJPY,GBPUSD,EURGBP
Leverage: 1:100
Broker: (DMA or True_ECN)/STP

----- Risk management -----
Inspection: BackTest for the past 10 years
Main EXIT: Technical index, drive rate 90% (70% - 80% of winning rate)
Sub EXIT: SL 22pip, drive rate 10%
Friday: True or False(The present is True)
The monthly profit is 8% - 20%
Average MaxDD 10% (10 years)
A system stop level: 40%
Safety first.
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