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*******A strategic question worth thinking about********
Jan 15, 2014 부터 멤버
Nov 29, 2014 at 11:48
Jan 15, 2014 부터 멤버
some people do not have a vision for the buuisness.
We see people who come in here and use the tactics they use when trading stocks. They end up not "using" their time and money correctly in this arena. Essenstionally they make very little profit. In a year they make a meager 10%. We need to be respectful but shame on them. That is garbage.
I was just wondering for the thinkers out there if they had any ideas on the ratio or really the MAXIMUM percentage of their margin they should risk in connection with the lots they are using. You need the maximum profit you can make while avoiding a margin call. And the percentage must be right so you can ride out a wrong trade. You just cant be right on every trade. If you overleverage you have to be concerned but you can't be some afraid little girl who wants to run cry and hide in the corner with her face in her hands.
If you are trading your own money you can do what the hell you want. You can overleverage your account and feel good about it. If you get a margin call you can forget about that and just remargin your account, move on to the next tactical trading battle and adjust your notes accordingly.
BUT INSTEAD these brokers out here go thru such great lengths at times to breast feed and nanny these forex traders who have a tendancy to blame the broker when they get margin calls instead of blaming their wrong technique. They waste time by not altering their strategy until they find what works and what does not. there are some bad brokers but there are good brokers that pay when its time to call them on the real margin that you have gained from succesful trades.
I have not figured out the right risk percentage just yet. Its should be above 50% or plus or minus 50%.
I cant see the justification for trading only 10-20% of your margin but that depends on your goals and the SIZE of your account. If you have million dollars well you could settle for an 100% or 200% return in a year. That is extremely low risk and a low return.
If you dont have money but you want huge returns in a year then you have to come up with a more offensive aggressive plan.
Can you imagine if you had 500.00 in the forex and you only returned 50 dollars in profit at the end of the year?
If you have 500.00 at the end of the year you better not come bakc with less than 25000.00 dollars and that is quit a low return believe it or not.
If the fx market is offering high leverage, and hedging the profit possiblities are endless. I think the problem lies when there is a high probability trade reversal that does not reverse as expected when the open ordered is transformed to an open trade. This is where the margin and its use comes into the game. You just cant be right on every trade. You can be right about 85%-90% of the time. There are also other considerations.
I just know there is a combination of tactics that will work. Im close but I have not quit found it yet. This question is for those that have a vision for aggressive profit. This 50 meter sprint is not for gopher turtles who got loads of money that they dont know how to use correctly respectfully speaking. Dont be offended.
Does anybody have any constructive input here that has merits?
We see people who come in here and use the tactics they use when trading stocks. They end up not "using" their time and money correctly in this arena. Essenstionally they make very little profit. In a year they make a meager 10%. We need to be respectful but shame on them. That is garbage.
I was just wondering for the thinkers out there if they had any ideas on the ratio or really the MAXIMUM percentage of their margin they should risk in connection with the lots they are using. You need the maximum profit you can make while avoiding a margin call. And the percentage must be right so you can ride out a wrong trade. You just cant be right on every trade. If you overleverage you have to be concerned but you can't be some afraid little girl who wants to run cry and hide in the corner with her face in her hands.
If you are trading your own money you can do what the hell you want. You can overleverage your account and feel good about it. If you get a margin call you can forget about that and just remargin your account, move on to the next tactical trading battle and adjust your notes accordingly.
BUT INSTEAD these brokers out here go thru such great lengths at times to breast feed and nanny these forex traders who have a tendancy to blame the broker when they get margin calls instead of blaming their wrong technique. They waste time by not altering their strategy until they find what works and what does not. there are some bad brokers but there are good brokers that pay when its time to call them on the real margin that you have gained from succesful trades.
I have not figured out the right risk percentage just yet. Its should be above 50% or plus or minus 50%.
I cant see the justification for trading only 10-20% of your margin but that depends on your goals and the SIZE of your account. If you have million dollars well you could settle for an 100% or 200% return in a year. That is extremely low risk and a low return.
If you dont have money but you want huge returns in a year then you have to come up with a more offensive aggressive plan.
Can you imagine if you had 500.00 in the forex and you only returned 50 dollars in profit at the end of the year?
If you have 500.00 at the end of the year you better not come bakc with less than 25000.00 dollars and that is quit a low return believe it or not.
If the fx market is offering high leverage, and hedging the profit possiblities are endless. I think the problem lies when there is a high probability trade reversal that does not reverse as expected when the open ordered is transformed to an open trade. This is where the margin and its use comes into the game. You just cant be right on every trade. You can be right about 85%-90% of the time. There are also other considerations.
I just know there is a combination of tactics that will work. Im close but I have not quit found it yet. This question is for those that have a vision for aggressive profit. This 50 meter sprint is not for gopher turtles who got loads of money that they dont know how to use correctly respectfully speaking. Dont be offended.
Does anybody have any constructive input here that has merits?

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