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Apr 26, 2013 at 20:43
Mar 11, 2013 부터 멤버
I don't see that many people using Autotrade yet.
I am hoping to get some profits from this and it looks so much better and more reliable than Zulutrade and all the others.
Can you actually earn profit from copying the best traders on autotrade or is it wish thinking?
I am hoping to get some profits from this and it looks so much better and more reliable than Zulutrade and all the others.
Can you actually earn profit from copying the best traders on autotrade or is it wish thinking?
Apr 26, 2013 at 21:33
Mar 28, 2011 부터 멤버
Zulu has fancy UI but as a whole I consider it as a scam.
Almost impossible to find trustworthy, consistent and reliable traders there :-(
Myfxbook has better risk management in some areas compared to Zulu but its not perfect either.
Hopefully Myfxbook auto trade systems are better, at least few of them are really promising for me.
The demo account has more traders and risk but real account is performing now relatively better.
Too early to draw any conclusions yet.
Almost impossible to find trustworthy, consistent and reliable traders there :-(
Myfxbook has better risk management in some areas compared to Zulu but its not perfect either.
Hopefully Myfxbook auto trade systems are better, at least few of them are really promising for me.
The demo account has more traders and risk but real account is performing now relatively better.
Too early to draw any conclusions yet.
Being Bearish or Bullish Makes No Difference
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