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Forex is a decent business
Jun 13, 2021 at 16:46
Jul 19, 2020 부터 멤버
Dictiony posted:
Forex is a decent money-making business and you can make a huge amount of money with it. But always remember if you have knowledge about it it will difficult for you to become a pro trader so learn and understand what is forex and how to trade is very important.
Yes, of course, it is very important to learn Forex trading. It is not possible to make money in trading without gaining knowledge.
Jun 13, 2021 at 23:45
Apr 03, 2021 부터 멤버
Not only in forex, all business need to learning, anyone that want to driver they need to trained how to drive, if want to cook they need to learn how to cook, in forex if want to become trader also need to learn how to trade, this is basic information, but ins and out of forex is very complex, how to trade well and profitable need experience and good skill, first-time trade I use cent account FXOpen to learn, but now already move to use STP account
Jun 15, 2021 부터 멤버
Jun 12, 2021 부터 멤버
Jun 29, 2021 at 03:46
Apr 15, 2020 부터 멤버
StrategyCapitals posted:ele020 posted:StrategyCapitals posted:
What do you mean forex is a decent business? I bought all my homes and cars trading.
Woohoooo!! How long did it take you to achieve this?
Over eight months
Your strategy must be divine then, because generally it takes atleast 5-6 months of practice and learning to understand trading thoroughly.
The more your practice, the more you learn.
Feb 20, 2021 부터 멤버

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