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Looking for MT4 indicator to show ONLY specific trading hours, please
Dec 12, 2018 부터 멤버
Apr 01, 2019 at 07:13
Dec 12, 2018 부터 멤버
I'm looking for MT4 indicator to show ONLY specific trading hours. I would like to see GBPUSD chart only between 8am to 6pm GMT without Asian session.
Do you know any indicator like that please? If yes thank you in advance,
PS. Not looking for indicator to just colour these hours but DELETE from chart > hours from 6pm to 8am, please
spent half of Sunday to find it and couldn't
I'm looking for MT4 indicator to show ONLY specific trading hours. I would like to see GBPUSD chart only between 8am to 6pm GMT without Asian session.
Do you know any indicator like that please? If yes thank you in advance,
PS. Not looking for indicator to just colour these hours but DELETE from chart > hours from 6pm to 8am, please
spent half of Sunday to find it and couldn't
Aug 27, 2017 부터 멤버
Apr 29, 2019 at 08:37
Aug 27, 2017 부터 멤버
strzelec12345 posted:
I'm looking for MT4 indicator to show ONLY specific trading hours. I would like to see GBPUSD chart only between 8am to 6pm GMT without Asian session.
Do you know any indicator like that please? If yes thank you in advance,
PS. Not looking for indicator to just colour these hours but DELETE from chart > hours from 6pm to 8am, please
spent half of Sunday to find it and couldn't
I PM you with that technical tool; it’s free! Waiting for your response.
keeping patience.......

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