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Feb 27, 2014 at 07:38
Aug 24, 2013 부터 멤버
There are people who when they buy my product for resale asking me if I sell them . In addition, such persons seeking to free them learn how to work at Forex .
I have an example where a client bought a set of robots for resale and every day sent hundreds of messages interrupting me constantly working to show him how he sells it , to teach him the techniques work on Forex .
When I walked into the account of Mr. I had to see.
The Lord has put seven valutih pairs and each pair of robot with a limit of 10 % of risk capital and lot size that exceeds the total risk capital. The account had $ 1,000 and expect that in a few days the rich.
After school I was giving free gentleman over Taem Viwer requirements became larger , Mr. imagined it, if you bought my products he bought me and my time . When I asked him if I do not dislike her messages every day while I work , the gentleman began to accuse me that I need to help him to do to sell my products .
I had him expelled from his life and work because these people have no limit to their demands . So much to know that there are various people who have no boundaries of their behavior .
There are people who when they buy my product for resale asking me if I sell them . In addition, such persons seeking to free them learn how to work at Forex .
I have an example where a client bought a set of robots for resale and every day sent hundreds of messages interrupting me constantly working to show him how he sells it , to teach him the techniques work on Forex .
When I walked into the account of Mr. I had to see.
The Lord has put seven valutih pairs and each pair of robot with a limit of 10 % of risk capital and lot size that exceeds the total risk capital. The account had $ 1,000 and expect that in a few days the rich.
After school I was giving free gentleman over Taem Viwer requirements became larger , Mr. imagined it, if you bought my products he bought me and my time . When I asked him if I do not dislike her messages every day while I work , the gentleman began to accuse me that I need to help him to do to sell my products .
I had him expelled from his life and work because these people have no limit to their demands . So much to know that there are various people who have no boundaries of their behavior .
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