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Managed Accounts
Jun 28, 2015 at 06:39
Jun 17, 2015 부터 멤버
There is a line you can cross between investing and speculating (gambling)
Managed FX as an investment should look to return 25-40% per year after fees with draw downs of less than 3-4%
Max leverage used should be no more than 4:1 and a ma of 2:1 is preferable.
Here are the simple sums
Two trades per day average win +25 aver loss -15 Hit Rate of 70%
assume 20 trading days per month that a total of 480 trades per year
per month 28 wins of +25 (average) = +700 pips
per month 12 losses of -15 (average) = - 180 pips
that's a gross total of 520 pips
Assume a USD account trading say EUR/USD and Cable then you have a gross profit of 5.2%
Take a 35% management fee - gives you about 3.4% net per month
Ignoring compounding that's 40.8% net after fees to the client
If you can do that and keep the draw downs below 3%: -
You will have access to all the Assets Under Management you will be able to cope will and you will make a fortune...
In the real world you cannot sell high leveraged programs as the risk element to too great - remember savvy investors always look at the downside risk before they consider the profits!
Managed FX as an investment should look to return 25-40% per year after fees with draw downs of less than 3-4%
Max leverage used should be no more than 4:1 and a ma of 2:1 is preferable.
Here are the simple sums
Two trades per day average win +25 aver loss -15 Hit Rate of 70%
assume 20 trading days per month that a total of 480 trades per year
per month 28 wins of +25 (average) = +700 pips
per month 12 losses of -15 (average) = - 180 pips
that's a gross total of 520 pips
Assume a USD account trading say EUR/USD and Cable then you have a gross profit of 5.2%
Take a 35% management fee - gives you about 3.4% net per month
Ignoring compounding that's 40.8% net after fees to the client
If you can do that and keep the draw downs below 3%: -
You will have access to all the Assets Under Management you will be able to cope will and you will make a fortune...
In the real world you cannot sell high leveraged programs as the risk element to too great - remember savvy investors always look at the downside risk before they consider the profits!
market nobility
Feb 04, 2012 부터 멤버
Jun 28, 2015 at 09:49
(편집됨 Jun 28, 2015 at 10:01)
Jun 17, 2015 부터 멤버
Hi @Paracelsus66
I agree - when I look at the individual trades on the various the systems on this site there are very few that I would back with money - most use excessive leverage that will decimate them over time. It's an example of what needs to be achieved to in order to have a smooth and profitable return from FX markets.
The figures above are about averages - the first question is could it be done manually - and to achieve these as figures averaged over a year the answer is yes - of course it will not be a straight line but the ride should be fairly smooth. I have been fortunate to work with traders of a high caliber who take profits almost ever day.
Getting the result on a purely algorithmic system is harder again but an average of 70% hit rate with a win/loss profit ratio of 1.66:1 is not impossible. The problem with most algo systems is that they tend to set trade exits at the time of trade entry, be it on a fixed pip basis or a S/R target or a fixed % draw down. However if the market is volatile and ceases to trend or there is a range breakout then the position needs to be re-evaluated in play. If there a move to a new range then the limits can be extended and stops raised - if the market moves into a range then the expected top and bottom of the range need to be determined and if volatility determines that the price movement is indeterminate then if at all possible the trade needs to be exited quickly preferably with a small profit - so you can sit on the sidelines until a more concrete opportunity presents itself.
Hope that explains my thinking and good luck in your trading
I agree - when I look at the individual trades on the various the systems on this site there are very few that I would back with money - most use excessive leverage that will decimate them over time. It's an example of what needs to be achieved to in order to have a smooth and profitable return from FX markets.
The figures above are about averages - the first question is could it be done manually - and to achieve these as figures averaged over a year the answer is yes - of course it will not be a straight line but the ride should be fairly smooth. I have been fortunate to work with traders of a high caliber who take profits almost ever day.
Getting the result on a purely algorithmic system is harder again but an average of 70% hit rate with a win/loss profit ratio of 1.66:1 is not impossible. The problem with most algo systems is that they tend to set trade exits at the time of trade entry, be it on a fixed pip basis or a S/R target or a fixed % draw down. However if the market is volatile and ceases to trend or there is a range breakout then the position needs to be re-evaluated in play. If there a move to a new range then the limits can be extended and stops raised - if the market moves into a range then the expected top and bottom of the range need to be determined and if volatility determines that the price movement is indeterminate then if at all possible the trade needs to be exited quickly preferably with a small profit - so you can sit on the sidelines until a more concrete opportunity presents itself.
Hope that explains my thinking and good luck in your trading
market nobility
Jul 01, 2015 at 06:40
Nov 19, 2014 부터 멤버
Jul 01, 2015 at 13:50
May 22, 2012 부터 멤버
Paracelsus66 posted:
There is no one single account on MyFxBook (even for 'show') fulfilling your criteria and running at a reputable broker for at least 1 year. Or 6 months...
So such strategies either DO NOT EXIST, or they exist, but only for the SUPER RICH...
Caution ¡¡ Forex market is full of scams ¡¡
Apr 22, 2015 부터 멤버
Jul 01, 2015 at 13:52
Apr 22, 2015 부터 멤버
I can manage acccount if want.
Minimium Invest : 1000USD.
Profit : about 50-100%
Sharing : 50-50
Skype : forex2014sistema
I can manage acccount if want.
Minimium Invest : 1000USD.
Profit : about 50-100%
Sharing : 50-50
Skype : forex2014sistema
Jan 29, 2015 부터 멤버
Jul 01, 2015 at 20:51
Jan 29, 2015 부터 멤버
Min. invest sum: 1000 USD
max. DD: 20%
estimated return profitability: 20-30% per month
sharing: 70/30
welcome to my pamm!
Min. invest sum: 1000 USD
max. DD: 20%
estimated return profitability: 20-30% per month
sharing: 70/30
welcome to my pamm!
Feb 11, 2011 부터 멤버
Jul 01, 2015 at 21:59
(편집됨 Jul 01, 2015 at 22:01)
Feb 11, 2011 부터 멤버
you can follow me here
as soon as i get my live acc back i will offer this acc here at automated
as soon as i get my live acc back i will offer this acc here at automated
Jul 01, 2015 at 22:20
Nov 19, 2009 부터 멤버
Hello Guys, I'll do something different here.
I am trader since 2006, trading Bovespa/BMF, and then, ECN at Nasdaq. Today I'm doing somethind different. I'm developing a new social network website for a specific niche. Our projection are 4.4mi per month for next 16 months. This website will be launched here in Brazil because I've few reports that give us direction where we must walk.
We are needing money to hire services and expand the project.
If you are interested in to invest in this project, please, get in touch. It will be the best investment for life.
Best regards,
I am trader since 2006, trading Bovespa/BMF, and then, ECN at Nasdaq. Today I'm doing somethind different. I'm developing a new social network website for a specific niche. Our projection are 4.4mi per month for next 16 months. This website will be launched here in Brazil because I've few reports that give us direction where we must walk.
We are needing money to hire services and expand the project.
If you are interested in to invest in this project, please, get in touch. It will be the best investment for life.
Best regards,
Feb 04, 2012 부터 멤버
Jul 03, 2015 at 08:33
Feb 04, 2012 부터 멤버
fhhamoud posted:
your opinion traders :)
Lets see your account in 6 months...!
I promise that I will look it up in December.
Jun 18, 2014 부터 멤버
May 04, 2012 부터 멤버
Jul 04, 2015 at 01:20
May 04, 2012 부터 멤버
fxstaymanaged posted:
Invest in VIP stocks and forex managed account service by Fxstay team and Pay only if you make profit !
It would be nice to see some verified performance history (at a reputable broker) supporting the above claim...
Until then it is just "Paroles, paroles, paroles..." as the famous song says:
Please click "Vouch" if you liked my post. If not, just put me on your Blocked list. :o)
Jul 05, 2015 at 06:33
Nov 12, 2014 부터 멤버
12264 posted:
Good Afternoon All, (AU)
I've been looking into inventing my money into a PAMM account/Managed fund although I'm struggling to find
a reasonable rate of return (monthly) having figures of 30% plus which for me is just to to much risk and
does not seem realistic in my opinion. If someone could point me in the right direction or even recommend a managed
fund you use and what returns you are seeing.
Geoffrey Reynolds.
Hi im from indonesia
please see my report https://www.myfxbook.com/members/bsukses/help-you-recovery/1296569
tak ada Ujian tak terselesaikan. harus USaha
Jul 06, 2015 at 07:21
Sep 16, 2014 부터 멤버
Sep 10, 2013 부터 멤버
Jul 06, 2015 at 14:04
Sep 10, 2013 부터 멤버
Hello, we have surpassed 100% ROI last month with our aggressive PAMM. https://www.myfxbook.com/members/ImperialGlobal/imperial-global-aggressive/1018041
Jul 07, 2015 at 23:22
Sep 16, 2014 부터 멤버
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