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My dilemma

Jul 16, 2013 부터 멤버
Nov 23, 2015 at 14:56
Jul 16, 2013 부터 멤버
As I have pointed out in another thread (which blocked me)
I have stopped pursuing this as it only looked good, trading without stops. Once or twice a bad trade was taken, a worse trade than 10 year backtests revealed, and because there was no stop it just carried on going south until hitting mc or being closed manually..
I wish someone had pointed out to me then that "straight line" EAs look good, but eventually bites you in the backside..
I have stopped pursuing this as it only looked good, trading without stops. Once or twice a bad trade was taken, a worse trade than 10 year backtests revealed, and because there was no stop it just carried on going south until hitting mc or being closed manually..
I wish someone had pointed out to me then that "straight line" EAs look good, but eventually bites you in the backside..

Sep 09, 2013 부터 멤버
Nov 26, 2015 at 07:58
Sep 09, 2013 부터 멤버
RSTrading posted:
I wish someone had pointed out to me then that "straight line" EAs look good, but eventually bites you in the backside..
Should be obvious RST. Straight lines often use poor R:R to achieve just that.
Risk 1000 Pips to earn 2 pips, you'll get many winners before that loser comes( also 1000 pip move would take normally a few months to take place.). In theory, if you can achieve 500 New scalps to offset that 1 loser, you could essentially recover, but adding another position changes your money management structure unless you already built it in when deciding your first lotsize.

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