Edit Your Comment
Not sure where to post this but need help with journal features.
Apr 18, 2015 at 05:44
Mar 02, 2015 부터 멤버
In the features section of this website it states:
Trades Journal
Comment and attach files to each of your trades for later reference. Commit to your trading plan and trade accordingly.
I have my own portfolio and acc up and running but i can't see anywhere to comment or attach files to individual trades in my history which is what i would like to be able to do. The comment above makes me think this is possible but i can't work out how. Could anyone help me out to see this.
Trades Journal
Comment and attach files to each of your trades for later reference. Commit to your trading plan and trade accordingly.
I have my own portfolio and acc up and running but i can't see anywhere to comment or attach files to individual trades in my history which is what i would like to be able to do. The comment above makes me think this is possible but i can't work out how. Could anyone help me out to see this.
Apr 18, 2015 at 15:26
Mar 02, 2015 부터 멤버
Yes it helps however i'm am 100% sure that that column was not there when i was looking yesterday. I absolutely remember as that is exactly where i wold have expected to find the feature but there was only 1 question mark which i remember was 'trading analytics. I remember checking this more than once so its very weird. Ah well thanks for your help.

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