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ongoing performance vs past performance
Feb 05, 2015 부터 멤버
Feb 06, 2015 at 09:24
Feb 05, 2015 부터 멤버
I've created a basic strategy producing a csv file for Excel to graph a cumulative PL curve.
I don't want to sell it, publish anything like that. Just personal stuff.
Just seen myfxbook (really good) and have a couple of questions ...
can I upload the above csv data for analysis?
how do I get organised to compare ongoing performance with past performance?
I don't want to sell it, publish anything like that. Just personal stuff.
Just seen myfxbook (really good) and have a couple of questions ...
can I upload the above csv data for analysis?
how do I get organised to compare ongoing performance with past performance?
Feb 06, 2015 at 16:28
Feb 22, 2011 부터 멤버
futurenets posted:
I've created a basic strategy producing a csv file for Excel to graph a cumulative PL curve.
I don't want to sell it, publish anything like that. Just personal stuff.
Just seen myfxbook (really good) and have a couple of questions ...
can I upload the above csv data for analysis?
how do I get organised to compare ongoing performance with past performance?
You dont need to upload anything.
Just connect your account to MFB and it will auto calculate stats and update your acc.

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